Uses of Interface

Packages that use Element
jpicedt.format.input.latex Parser grammar for the LaTeX picture environment format. 
jpicedt.format.input.pstricks Pstricks grammar tree. 
jpicedt.format.input.util This package contains helper classes for building a parser based on the well-known RegExp scheme, yet with a strong object-oriented approach in mind. 
jpicedt.format.output.dxf Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the DXF (Drawing eXchange Format, as defined by Autodesk) content-type. 
jpicedt.format.output.eepic Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the epic/eepic content-type. 
jpicedt.format.output.latex Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the LaTeX (standard) content-type. 
jpicedt.format.output.pstricks Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the PsTricks content-type. 
jpicedt.format.output.tikz Tikz Formatter Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the TikZ content-type. 
jpicedt.graphic jPicEdt library core classes and packages. 
jpicedt.graphic.event Various events used for the communication between model, view and controler, as well as to notify external receivers of changes in the document structure, appearance,… Interfaces and base classes useful to implement a formatter for a given format, for instance Pstricks. 
jpicedt.graphic.model Document structure and graphic primitives. 
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)
jpicedt.graphic.util Bibliothèque de classes pour effectuer des calculs graphiques: rognage de forme zones convexes algèbre linéaire en 2D  
jpicedt.graphic.view Document appearance. 
jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter Aspect visuel de la mise en vedette. 

Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.input.latex

Constructors in jpicedt.format.input.latex with parameters of type Element
LaTeXInstanciationExpression(String tag, Element prototype, Pool pl)

Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.input.pstricks

Constructors in jpicedt.format.input.pstricks with parameters of type Element
PSTInstanciationExpression(String tag, Element prototype, Pool pl)

Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.input.util

Fields in jpicedt.format.input.util declared as Element
 Element Pool.currentObj
          Convenience used to share information (e.g. parameters, location, …) across expressions acting on the same element.

Constructors in jpicedt.format.input.util with parameters of type Element
InstanciationExpression(String tag, Element prototype, PicAttributeSet attributes, Pool pl)

Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.output.dxf

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.dxf that return Element
 Element PicTextFormatter.getElement()
 Element PicParallelogramFormatter.getElement()
 Element PicEllipseFormatter.getElement()
 Element AbstractCurveFormatter.getElement()

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.dxf with parameters of type Element
 View DXFViewFactory.createView(Element element)

Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.output.eepic

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.eepic that return Element
 Element PicParallelogramFormatter.getElement()
 Element AbstractCurveFormatter.getElement()

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.eepic with parameters of type Element
 void EepicFormatter.appendThicknessString(StringBuffer buf, Element obj)
          Create a string representation of the thickness command for the given PicObjet in the eepic format, and append it to the given StringBuffer.
 View EepicViewFactory.createView(Element element)

Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.output.latex

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.latex that return Element
 Element PicTextFormatter.getElement()
 Element PicParallelogramFormatter.getElement()
 Element PicEllipseFormatter.getElement()
 Element AbstractCurveFormatter.getElement()

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.latex with parameters of type Element
 void LatexFormatter.appendThicknessString(StringBuffer buf, Element obj)
          Create a string representation of the thickness command for the given PicObjet in the LaTeX format, and append it to the given StringBuffer.
 View LatexViewFactory.createView(Element element)

Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks that return Element
 Element PicTextFormatter.getElement()
 Element PicParallelogramFormatter.getElement()
 Element PicEllipseFormatter.getElement()
 Element AbstractCurveFormatter.getElement()

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks with parameters of type Element
 PstricksFormatter.ParameterString PstricksFormatter.createParameterString(Element obj)
          Returns PsTricks's "standard" parameter string for the given Element: linewidth=xxx, linecolor=xxxx, doubleline=true/false and rel.
static StringBuffer PstricksUtilities.createPstricksStringFromArrows(Element obj)
 View PstricksViewFactory.createView(Element element)

Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.output.tikz

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.tikz that return Element
 Element PicTextFormatter.getElement()
 Element PicParallelogramFormatter.getElement()
 Element PicEllipseFormatter.getElement()
 Element AbstractCurveFormatter.getElement()

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.tikz with parameters of type Element
static ParameterString TikzUtilities.createParameterString(Element obj, PicAttributeSet defaultAttributes, TikzCustomProperties tikzCustomProperties, BitSet mask)
 View TikzViewFactory.createView(Element element)
 void TikzFormatter.draw(StringBuffer buf, Element e)
 void TikzFormatter.draw(StringBuffer buf, Element e, BitSet mask)
          Insère dans le tampon buf la macro \draw avec les paramètres correspondant à l'élément de dessin e.
 void TikzFormatter.drawWithOptions(StringBuffer buf, Element e)
 void TikzFormatter.drawWithOptions(StringBuffer buf, Element e, BitSet mask)

Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.output.util

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.util that return Element
 Element PicGroupFormatter.getElement()

Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic

Methods in jpicedt.graphic with type parameters of type Element
<T extends Element>
SelectionHandler.createFilteredCollection(Class<T> clazz)
          Returns a list containing elements in the selection that are of the same type or inherit the given clazz.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic that return Element
 Element[] SelectionHandler.asArray()
          Return the selected elements wrapped in an array (may be a convenience call to asCollection)
 Element[] AbstractSelectionHandler.asArray()
          Return the selected elements wrapped in an array (may be a convenience call to asCollection)

Methods in jpicedt.graphic that return types with arguments of type Element
 Iterator<Element> PECanvas.selection()

Methods in jpicedt.graphic with parameters of type Element
protected  void PECanvas.fireSelectionUpdate(Element[] elements, SelectionEvent.EventType type)
          Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
protected  void PECanvas.fireSelectionUpdate(Element element, SelectionEvent.EventType type)
          Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
 boolean PECanvas.isSelected(Element e)
 void SelectionHandler.replace(Element e)
          Replace the current selection with the given element.
 void AbstractSelectionHandler.replace(Element e)
          Replace the current selection with the given element.
 void SelectionHandler.replace(Element oldE, Element newE)
          Remplace l'élément oldE par l'élément newE lorsque oldE appartient à la sélection.
 void obj, PECanvas.SelectionBehavior beh)
          Select the given element.
 void PECanvas.unSelect(Element obj)
          Unselect the given graphic object.

Method parameters in jpicedt.graphic with type arguments of type Element
 boolean SelectionHandler.containsClass(Class<? extends Element> clazz)
          Returns whether this selection-handler contains objects that are of the same type of inherit from the given clazz.
 void PECanvas.selectCollection(Collection<Element> c, PECanvas.SelectionBehavior beh)
          Select the elements in the given collection (if they belong to the drawing).

Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.event

Fields in jpicedt.graphic.event declared as Element
protected  Element[] SelectionEvent.elements
          the elements that were (un)selected

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.event that return Element
 Element DrawingEvent.getElement()
          Return the graphic element that changed.
 Element[] SelectionEvent.getElements()
          Return the graphic elements that got selected/unselected.

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.event with parameters of type Element
SelectionEvent(PECanvas source, Element[] elements, SelectionEvent.EventType type)
          a new SelectionEvent sourced from the given PECanvas Use this constructor when several elements were (un)selected.
SelectionEvent(PECanvas source, Element element, SelectionEvent.EventType type)
          a new SelectionEvent sourced from the given PECanvas.

Uses of Element in

Fields in with type parameters of type Element
protected  HashMap<Class<? extends Element>,Class<? extends Formatter>> AbstractFormatterFactory.factoryMap
          a HashMap that associates Formatter's classes with Element's classes

Methods in that return Element
 Element JPICTextFormatter.getElement()
 Element JPICSmoothPolygonFormatter.getElement()
 Element JPICPsCurveFormatter.getElement()
 Element JPICParallelogramFormatter.getElement()
 Element JPICMultiCurveFormatter.getElement()
 Element JPICGroupFormatter.getElement()
 Element JPICEllipseFormatter.getElement()
 Element JPICCircleFormatter.getElement()
 Element Formatter.getElement()
          Renvoie l'Element sujet du formattage.
 Element AbstractDrawingFormatter.getElement()
          Non pertinent pour un dessin

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 Formatter FormatterFactory.createFormatter(Element e)
 Formatter AbstractFormatterFactory.createFormatter(Element element)
protected  void XmlAttributeSet.putCommonAttributes(Element obj)
          Fills the given map with XML-like entries (name->value will translate into name="value" once text formatted) for common attributes of the given Element, that is, attributes specific to a given subclass of Element are not included here, but should be handled directly by the appropriate formatter.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Element
 Class<? extends Formatter> AbstractFormatterFactory.getMappedClass(Class<? extends Element> classElement)
          Returns the Formatter's class associated with the given Element's class in the hashmap responsible for creating Formatter's for Element's.
 void<? extends Element> classElement, Class<? extends Formatter> classFormatter)
          Associates the given Formatter's class with the given Element's class in the hashmap responsible for creating Formatter's for Element's.
 void AbstractFormatterFactory.unmap(Class<? extends Element> classElement)
          Remove the element/view mapping for the given Element's class in the hashmap responsible for creating Formatter's for Element's.

Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.model

Subinterfaces of Element in jpicedt.graphic.model
 interface NodeableElement
 interface PicMultiCurveConvertable
          Specifies Element's that can be converted to a PicMultiCurve

Classes in jpicedt.graphic.model that implement Element
 class AbstractCurve
          A curve made up of a concatenation of cubic bezier curves and straight lines, hereafter globally denoted as "segments".
 class AbstractElement
          An abstract class that can serve as the basis class for elements of a Drawing.
 class BranchElement
          A class for Element's that allow children, eg, primarily: groups, ie, clutches of objects that maintain a kind of relationship although their geometry is specified in an independent way; custom paths (PSTricks' pscustom) made up by piecing objects' paths together.
 class Drawing.BoundingBox
 class Drawing.RootElement
          The Element that is the root of the tree of Element's in this Drawing.
 class PicCircleFrom3Points
          A class implementing either a circle or an arc, whose geometry is specified by a PicEllipse, yet is further controllable by three additional points: this may either be a plain circle going through these three points, or an arc going from P_1 to P_3 through P_2, in which case a pie or a chord may be added as well.
 class PicEllipse
          Ellipse ou arc, basé sur un parallélogramme.
 class PicGroup
          A concrete implementation of BranchElement that is suited for building groups of elements.
 class PicMultiCurve
          PicMultiCurve is basically an AbstractCurve where each subdivision point has additionnal features regarding 2nd-order smoothness and symmetry.
 class PicNodeConnection
          This class represents a connection between two DefaultLeafElement's.
 class PicParallelogram
          A class implementing a parallelogram.
 class PicPsCurve
           A multicurve, either closed or not, going through a set of control points.
 class PicSmoothPolygon
          A multicurve, either closed or not, the geometry of which is specified using a polygon, in such a way that the curve snakes "smoothly" along the polygon.
 class PicText
          Textual elements, possibly surrounded by a box (currently, only rectangular, oval and circular shapes are supported).
 class TextEditable
          An abstract class for Element's that have a textual representation, and [pending:removed as of 1.3.2] whose text can be graphically edited

Fields in jpicedt.graphic.model declared as Element
protected  Element DefaultPointIndexIterator.elem
protected  Element NodeConnectionManager.element

Fields in jpicedt.graphic.model with type parameters of type Element
protected  ArrayList<Element> BranchElement.children
          the array that contains children

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model with type parameters of type Element
<T extends Element>
BranchElement.createFilteredCollection(Class<T> clazz)
          Returns a list containing children, grand-children, etc. of this BranchElement that are of the same type or inherit the given clazz.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model that return Element
 Element Element.clone()
          Return a deep copy of this element.
 Element Drawing.get(int i)
 Element BranchElement.get(int childIndex)
 Element Drawing.DefaultDrawingEvent.getElement()
 Element Drawing.remove(int index)
          Remove the Element with the given index from this BranchElement
 Element BranchElement.remove(int index)
          Remove the child with the given index from this BranchElement.
 Element Drawing.set(int index, Element element)
          Replace the element at the given index with the given graphic element No effet if "element" already belongs to the drawing.
 Element BranchElement.set(int position, Element newChild)
          Replace the child at the given position by the given child.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model that return types with arguments of type Element
 Iterator<Element> Drawing.iterator()
          convenience call to RootElement's method
 Iterator<Element> BranchElement.iterator()
          Returns an iterator over children.
 ListIterator<Element> Drawing.listIterator()
 ListIterator<Element> BranchElement.listIterator()
 ListIterator<Element> Drawing.listIterator(int index)
 ListIterator<Element> BranchElement.listIterator(int index)
 List<Element> Drawing.subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
 List<Element> BranchElement.subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model with parameters of type Element
 boolean Drawing.add(Element o)
          convenience call to RootElement's method
 boolean BranchElement.add(Element child)
          Add the given child to this BranchElement, setting its parent to this.
 void Drawing.add(int position, Element o)
          convenience call to RootElement's method
 void BranchElement.add(int position, Element child)
          Insert the given child in this BranchElement at the given position, setting its parent to this, and create a view for the child using the ViewFactory that produced the View for this BranchElement.
 void BranchElement.bringBackward(Element obj)
          Move the given child one position backward, i.e. removes it from its current position and insert it one position backward.
 void BranchElement.bringForward(Element obj)
          Move the given child one position forward, i.e. removes it from its current position and insert it one position forward.
 void BranchElement.bringToBack(Element obj)
          Move the given child to back (i.e. following z-ordering policy), i.e. removes it from its current position and insert it at position 0
Does nothing if the given child can't be found in this Drawing or is already to back.
 void BranchElement.bringToFront(Element obj)
          Move the given child to front, i.e. removes it from its current position and appends to the drawing.
protected  void Drawing.fireChangedUpdate(Element changed, DrawingEvent.EventType type)
          Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
 void PicNodeConnection.forwardChangedUpdate(Element node, DrawingEvent.EventType eventType)
          Called by a child-node (=a DefaultLeafElement) to inform this connection of some change that occured to one of its nodes.
 void Drawing.RootElement.forwardChangedUpdate(Element child, DrawingEvent.EventType eventType)
          Called by a child to inform of some change that occured to it or one of its children.
 void BranchElement.forwardChangedUpdate(Element child, DrawingEvent.EventType eventType)
          Called by a child of this BranchElement to inform its parent of some change that occured to it or one of its children.
 boolean BranchElement.isToBack(Element obj)
 boolean BranchElement.isToFront(Element obj)
 void Drawing.replace(Element src, Element dest)
          Replace the given "src" element with the given "dest" element, if "src" belongs to this drawing.
 void BranchElement.replace(Element src, Element dest)
          Replace the given "src" element with the given "dest" element, if "src" belongs to this BranchElement.
 void Element.replaceBy(Element by, boolean replaceInSelection)
          La méthode replaceBy remplace dans le dessin l'élément this par l'élément by.
 void AbstractElement.replaceBy(Element by, boolean replaceInSelection)
          Une implantation de replaceBy(Element by, boolean replaceInSelection).
 Element Drawing.set(int index, Element element)
          Replace the element at the given index with the given graphic element No effet if "element" already belongs to the drawing.
 Element BranchElement.set(int position, Element newChild)
          Replace the child at the given position by the given child.

Method parameters in jpicedt.graphic.model with type arguments of type Element
 boolean Drawing.addAll(Collection<? extends Element> c)
          convenience call to RootElement's method
 boolean BranchElement.addAll(Collection<? extends Element> c)
          Appends all the elements in the given collection that are instance of Element as children of this BranchElement.
 boolean Drawing.addAll(int pos, Collection<? extends Element> c)
          convenience call to RootElement's method
 boolean BranchElement.addAll(int index, Collection<? extends Element> c)
          Inserts all the elements in the given collection that are instance of Element as children of this BranchElement, at the given position.
 boolean BranchElement.containsClass(Class<? extends Element> clazz)
          Returns whether this BranchElement contains children, grandchildren, etc. that are of the same type of inherit from the given clazz.

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.model with parameters of type Element
DefaultPointIndexIterator(Element e)
          create a new PointIndexIterator for the given Element
Drawing.DefaultDrawingEvent(Element element, DrawingEvent.EventType type)
NodeConnectionManager(Element e)

Constructor parameters in jpicedt.graphic.model with type arguments of type Element
BranchElement(Collection<? extends Element> c)
          Create a new BranchElement from the content of the given Collection of Element's.
Drawing.RootElement(Collection<Element> c)
          Create a new BranchElement from the content of the given Collection of Element's.
Drawing(Collection<Element> c)
          Construct a new Drawing from the given Collection, which is supposed to contain Element's.
PicGroup(Collection<? extends Element> c)
          Simply call superclass's constructor.

Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Subinterfaces of Element in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit
 interface CustomizerFactory
          Tags Element's able to produce an AbstractCustomizer suited for editing its geometry.

Classes in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that implement Element
 class DefaultSelectionHandler
          Stores references to selected Element's.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return Element
 Element[] DefaultSelectionHandler.asArray()
          Return the selected elements wrapped in an array (may be a convenience call to asCollection)
protected  Element AbstractMouseTransform.getClone()
          Return the clone of the target element, which was init'd by startTransform
 Element EditPointMouseTransformFactory.SelectedPointsHandler.getElement()
          returns the current target Element
protected  Element AbstractMouseTransform.getTarget()
          Return the element this transform acts upon
 Element DefaultSelectionHandler.remove(int index)
          Remove the child with the given index from this BranchElement.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return types with arguments of type Element
protected  Iterator<Element> PEAction.getIterator()

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type Element
 boolean DefaultSelectionHandler.add(Element child)
          overriden so that the parent of the added element isn't set to this, and its view is left unchanged.
 void DefaultSelectionHandler.add(int position, Element child)
          Convenient call to add(child).
protected  boolean EditPointMouseTransformFactory.isValidTarget(Element e)
          Return true is the given element is a valid target for this factory.
 void DefaultSelectionHandler.replace(Element e)
          Replace the current selection with the given element.
 void DefaultSelectionHandler.replace(Element oldE, Element newE)
          La méthode correspondante de PicGroup est surchargée pour ne pas affecter les vues.
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.SelectedPointsHandler.setElement(Element e)
          sets the current Element and clears the list of selected-points

Method parameters in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with type arguments of type Element
 boolean DefaultSelectionHandler.addAll(Collection<? extends Element> c)
          Appends all the elements in the given collection that are instance of Element as children of this BranchElement.
 boolean DefaultSelectionHandler.addAll(int index, Collection<? extends Element> c)
          Commodité d'appel de addAll(c).
 boolean DefaultSelectionHandler.intersect(Rectangle2D r, ArrayList<Element> list)

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type Element
AbstractMouseTransform(Element target)
DrawToolFactory.GenericDrawTool(Element prototype, EditPointConstraint.EditConstraint constraint)
          The drawPoints array gets computed from all available control-points for the given element.
DrawToolFactory.GenericDrawTool(Element prototype, EditPointConstraint.EditConstraint constraint, int[][] drawPoints)
EditElementMouseTransformFactory._MoveControlPointTransform(Element target, int pointIndex, EditPointConstraint constraint, String helpMessage, Grid grid)
EditElementMouseTransformFactory._MoveElementTransform(Element target, PicPoint clickPt, Grid grid)
EditElementMouseTransformFactory.MoveControlPointTransform(Element target, int pointIndex, EditPointConstraint constraint, String helpMessage, Grid grid)
EditElementMouseTransformFactory.MoveElementTransform(Element target, PicPoint clickPt, Grid grid)
EditElementMouseTransformFactory.SelectElementsInAreaTransform(Element target, boolean addToSelection)
EditElementMouseTransformFactory.UnselectTransform(Element target)
EditorKit.EditGeometryAction(ActionDispatcher actionDispatcher, ActionLocalizer localizer, Element target)
          target=given element
EditorKit.EditTextModeAction(ActionDispatcher actionDispatcher, ActionLocalizer localizer, Element target)
          target=given element
EditPointMouseTransformFactory.SelectElementTransform(Element target)
MirrorTool(EditorKit kit, Element target)
          Construit une nouvel examplaire de MirrorTool.
MoveTool(EditorKit kit, Element target)
RotateTool(EditorKit kit, Element target)
ScaleTool(EditorKit kit, Element target)
TransferableGraphic(Element[] elements, String formatted, PECanvas sourceBoard)
          Construct a new TransferableGraphic from a clone of the given elements and the given String containing the formatted representation of the elements (this depends on the ContentType of of the caller).

Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.util

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.util that return Element
 Element AbstractEraser.getErasedElt()
          Renvoie l'Element après avoir effacement.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.util with parameters of type Element
static void LinearAlgebra.abstractEltLinAp(double[][] matrix, Element abstElt)
          Application linéaire sur chaque point de contrôle d'un AbstractElement

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.util with parameters of type Element
Eraser(Element abstractElement, ConvexPolygonalZone zone)

Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.view

Fields in jpicedt.graphic.view declared as Element
protected  Element HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo.clickedObject
protected  Element AbstractView.element
          The graphic element that this View renders.

Fields in jpicedt.graphic.view with type parameters of type Element
protected  HashMap<Class<? extends Element>,Class<? extends View>> DefaultViewFactory.factoryMap
          a HashMap that associates View's classes with Element's classes

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view that return Element
 Element HitInfo.Composite.getClickedChild()
 Element View.getElement()
          Returns the element the View is responsible for rendering
 Element AbstractView.getElement()
 Element HitInfo.getTarget()
 Element HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo.getTarget()
author: Sylvain Reynal
 Element HitInfo.List.getTarget()

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view with parameters of type Element
 View ViewFactory.createView(Element element)
 View DefaultViewFactory.createView(Element element)
          Create a View for the given Element by looking up the hashmap responsible for creating View's for Element's.
 void View.setElement(Element e)
          set the element the View is responsible for rendering
 void AbstractView.setElement(Element e)
          Set the element the View is responsible for rendering.

Method parameters in jpicedt.graphic.view with type arguments of type Element
 Class<? extends View> DefaultViewFactory.getMappedClass(Class<? extends Element> classElement)
          Returns the View's class associated with the given Element's class in the hashmap responsible for creating View's for Element's.
protected  boolean TextView.intersect(Rectangle2D r, ArrayList<Element> list)
          Si l'intersection de cette vue avec le rectangle r est non vide, alors l'Element associé est ajouté à la liste liste, si celle-ci est non null.
protected  boolean LeafElementView.intersect(Rectangle2D r, ArrayList<Element> list)
          If this view intersects the given rectangle, adds the associated Element to the given list (if non-null) and returns true.
protected  boolean CompositeView.intersect(Rectangle2D r, ArrayList<Element> list)
          If this view intersects the given rectangle, return the associated BranchElement in GLOBAL mode, or a child Element if in LOCAL mode.
protected abstract  boolean AbstractView.intersect(Rectangle2D r, ArrayList<Element> list)
          If this view intersects the given rectangle, add the associated Element or a child Element if it's more appropriate (for instance for composite views) to the given list (if non-null), and returns true.
 boolean View.intersect(Rectangle2D r, boolean isHighlightVisible, ArrayList<Element> list)
          If this view or its highlighter intersects the given rectangle, add the associated Element (or a child Element if it's more appropriate, for instance for composite views) to the given list.
 boolean AbstractView.intersect(Rectangle2D r, boolean isHighlightVisible, ArrayList<Element> list)
          Depending on the value of isHighlighVisible, current implementation first delegates to the hosted Highlighter's intersect() method, then calls intersect(Rectangle2D, ArrayList<Element>).
 void<? extends Element> classElement, Class<? extends View> classView)
          Associates the given View's class with the given Element's class in the hashmap responsible for creating View's for Element's.
 void DefaultViewFactory.unmap(Class<? extends Element> classElement)
          Remove the element/view mapping for the given Element's class in the hashmap responsible for creating View's for Element's.

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.view with parameters of type Element
AbstractView(Element element)
          Construct a new View for the given Element.
AbstractView(Element element, Highlighter h)
          Construct a new View for the given Element, delegating highlighting to the given Highlighter.
HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo(Element clickedObject, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          Construct a new HitInfo when a click occured on an object's end-point
author: Sylvain Reynal
HitInfo.EnvelopeStroke(Element clicked, int clickedSegment, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
HitInfo.HighlighterStroke(Element clicked, int clickedSegment, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
HitInfo.Interior(Element clickedObject, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          construct a new HitInfo.Interior that occured on the given Element
HitInfo.Point(Element clickedObject, ArrayList<Integer> pointIndices, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          construct a new HitInfo.Point that occured on the given Element and on the given points simultaneously.
HitInfo.Point(Element clickedObject, int pointIndex, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          construct a new HitInfo.Point that occured on the given Element and on the given point index
HitInfo.Stroke(Element clicked, int clickedSegment, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          construct a new HitInfo.Stroke that occured on the stroke of the given Element
LeafElementView(Element e, AttributesViewFactory f)
          construct a new View for the given Element

Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter

Fields in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter declared as Element
protected  Element DefaultHighlighter.element
          highlighted Element

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter with type parameters of type Element
<T extends Element>
Class<? extends Highlighter>
DefaultHighlighterFactory.getMappedClass(Class<T> classElement)

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter that return Element
 Element Highlighter.getElement()
          returns the higlighted Element
 Element DefaultHighlighter.getElement()

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter with parameters of type Element
 Highlighter HighlighterFactory.createHighlighter(Element element)
 Highlighter DefaultHighlighterFactory.createHighlighter(Element element)

Method parameters in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter with type arguments of type Element
 boolean Highlighter.intersect(Rectangle2D r, ArrayList<Element> list)
          If this highligher intersects the given rectangle, add the associated Element (or a child Element if it's more appropriate, for instance for composite views) to the given list (if non-null), and returns true.
 boolean DefaultHighlighter.intersect(Rectangle2D r, ArrayList<Element> list)
          If this highligher intersects the given rectangle, add the associated Element (or a child Element if it's more appropriate, for instance for composite views) to the given list, and returns true.
 boolean CompositeHighlighter.intersect(Rectangle2D r, ArrayList<Element> list)
          If this highligher intersects the given rectangle, add the associated BranchElement (or a child Element thereof if it's more appropriate) and returns true.
 void<? extends Element> classElement, Class<? extends Highlighter> classHighlighter)
 void DefaultHighlighterFactory.unmap(Class<? extends Element> classElement)

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter with parameters of type Element
DefaultHighlighter(Element element, DefaultHighlighterFactory f)

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