Packages that use Element | |
jpicedt.format.input.latex | Parser grammar for the LaTeX picture environment format. |
jpicedt.format.input.pstricks | Pstricks grammar tree. |
jpicedt.format.input.util | This package contains helper classes for building a parser based on the well-known RegExp scheme, yet with a strong object-oriented approach in mind. |
jpicedt.format.output.dxf | Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the DXF (Drawing eXchange Format, as defined by Autodesk) content-type. |
jpicedt.format.output.eepic | Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the epic/eepic content-type. |
jpicedt.format.output.latex | Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the LaTeX (standard) content-type. |
jpicedt.format.output.pstricks | Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the PsTricks content-type. |
jpicedt.format.output.tikz | Tikz Formatter Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the TikZ content-type. |
jpicedt.format.output.util | |
jpicedt.graphic | jPicEdt library core classes and packages. |
jpicedt.graphic.event | Various events used for the communication between model, view and
controler, as well as to notify external receivers of changes in the
document structure, appearance,… |
jpicedt.graphic.io.formatter | Interfaces and base classes useful to implement a formatter for a given format, for instance Pstricks. |
jpicedt.graphic.model | Document structure and graphic primitives. |
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit | Controller (document editing through UI actions) |
jpicedt.graphic.util | Bibliothèque de classes pour effectuer des calculs graphiques: rognage de forme zones convexes algèbre linéaire en 2D |
jpicedt.graphic.view | Document appearance. |
jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter | Aspect visuel de la mise en vedette. |
Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.input.latex |
Constructors in jpicedt.format.input.latex with parameters of type Element | |
LaTeXInstanciationExpression(String tag,
Element prototype,
Pool pl)
Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.input.pstricks |
Constructors in jpicedt.format.input.pstricks with parameters of type Element | |
PSTInstanciationExpression(String tag,
Element prototype,
Pool pl)
Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.input.util |
Fields in jpicedt.format.input.util declared as Element | |
Element |
Convenience used to share information (e.g. parameters, location, …) across expressions acting on the same element. |
Constructors in jpicedt.format.input.util with parameters of type Element | |
InstanciationExpression(String tag,
Element prototype,
PicAttributeSet attributes,
Pool pl)
Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.output.dxf |
Methods in jpicedt.format.output.dxf that return Element | |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Methods in jpicedt.format.output.dxf with parameters of type Element | |
View |
DXFViewFactory.createView(Element element)
Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.output.eepic |
Methods in jpicedt.format.output.eepic that return Element | |
Element |
Element |
Methods in jpicedt.format.output.eepic with parameters of type Element | |
void |
EepicFormatter.appendThicknessString(StringBuffer buf,
Element obj)
Create a string representation of the thickness command for the given PicObjet in the eepic format, and append it to the given StringBuffer. |
View |
EepicViewFactory.createView(Element element)
Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.output.latex |
Methods in jpicedt.format.output.latex that return Element | |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Methods in jpicedt.format.output.latex with parameters of type Element | |
void |
LatexFormatter.appendThicknessString(StringBuffer buf,
Element obj)
Create a string representation of the thickness command for the given PicObjet in the LaTeX format, and append it to the given StringBuffer. |
View |
LatexViewFactory.createView(Element element)
Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks |
Methods in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks that return Element | |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Methods in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks with parameters of type Element | |
PstricksFormatter.ParameterString |
PstricksFormatter.createParameterString(Element obj)
Returns PsTricks's "standard" parameter string for the given Element: linewidth=xxx, linecolor=xxxx, doubleline=true/false and rel. |
static StringBuffer |
PstricksUtilities.createPstricksStringFromArrows(Element obj)
View |
PstricksViewFactory.createView(Element element)
Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.output.tikz |
Methods in jpicedt.format.output.tikz that return Element | |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Methods in jpicedt.format.output.tikz with parameters of type Element | |
static ParameterString |
TikzUtilities.createParameterString(Element obj,
PicAttributeSet defaultAttributes,
TikzCustomProperties tikzCustomProperties,
BitSet mask)
View |
TikzViewFactory.createView(Element element)
void |
TikzFormatter.draw(StringBuffer buf,
Element e)
void |
TikzFormatter.draw(StringBuffer buf,
Element e,
BitSet mask)
Insère dans le tampon buf la macro \draw
avec les paramètres correspondant à l'élément de dessin e . |
void |
TikzFormatter.drawWithOptions(StringBuffer buf,
Element e)
void |
TikzFormatter.drawWithOptions(StringBuffer buf,
Element e,
BitSet mask)
Uses of Element in jpicedt.format.output.util |
Methods in jpicedt.format.output.util that return Element | |
Element |
Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic with type parameters of type Element | ||
SelectionHandler.createFilteredCollection(Class<T> clazz)
Returns a list containing elements in the selection that are of the same type or inherit the given clazz. |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic that return Element | |
Element[] |
Return the selected elements wrapped in an array (may be a convenience call to asCollection) |
Element[] |
Return the selected elements wrapped in an array (may be a convenience call to asCollection) |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic that return types with arguments of type Element | |
Iterator<Element> |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic with parameters of type Element | |
protected void |
PECanvas.fireSelectionUpdate(Element[] elements,
SelectionEvent.EventType type)
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. |
protected void |
PECanvas.fireSelectionUpdate(Element element,
SelectionEvent.EventType type)
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. |
boolean |
PECanvas.isSelected(Element e)
void |
SelectionHandler.replace(Element e)
Replace the current selection with the given element. |
void |
AbstractSelectionHandler.replace(Element e)
Replace the current selection with the given element. |
void |
SelectionHandler.replace(Element oldE,
Element newE)
Remplace l'élément oldE par l'élément newE lorsque oldE
appartient à la sélection. |
void |
PECanvas.select(Element obj,
PECanvas.SelectionBehavior beh)
Select the given element. |
void |
PECanvas.unSelect(Element obj)
Unselect the given graphic object. |
Method parameters in jpicedt.graphic with type arguments of type Element | |
boolean |
SelectionHandler.containsClass(Class<? extends Element> clazz)
Returns whether this selection-handler contains objects that are of the same type of inherit from the given clazz. |
void |
PECanvas.selectCollection(Collection<Element> c,
PECanvas.SelectionBehavior beh)
Select the elements in the given collection (if they belong to the drawing). |
Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.event |
Fields in jpicedt.graphic.event declared as Element | |
protected Element[] |
the elements that were (un)selected |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.event that return Element | |
Element |
Return the graphic element that changed. |
Element[] |
Return the graphic elements that got selected/unselected. |
Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.event with parameters of type Element | |
SelectionEvent(PECanvas source,
Element[] elements,
SelectionEvent.EventType type)
a new SelectionEvent sourced from the given PECanvas Use this constructor when several elements were (un)selected. |
SelectionEvent(PECanvas source,
Element element,
SelectionEvent.EventType type)
a new SelectionEvent sourced from the given PECanvas. |
Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.io.formatter |
Fields in jpicedt.graphic.io.formatter with type parameters of type Element | |
protected HashMap<Class<? extends Element>,Class<? extends Formatter>> |
a HashMap that associates Formatter's classes with Element's classes |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.io.formatter that return Element | |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Element |
Renvoie l' Element sujet du formattage. |
Element |
Non pertinent pour un dessin |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.io.formatter with parameters of type Element | |
Formatter |
FormatterFactory.createFormatter(Element e)
Formatter |
AbstractFormatterFactory.createFormatter(Element element)
protected void |
XmlAttributeSet.putCommonAttributes(Element obj)
Fills the given map with XML-like entries (name->value will translate into name="value" once text formatted) for common attributes of the given Element, that is, attributes specific to a given subclass of Element are not included here, but should be handled directly by the appropriate formatter. |
Method parameters in jpicedt.graphic.io.formatter with type arguments of type Element | |
Class<? extends Formatter> |
AbstractFormatterFactory.getMappedClass(Class<? extends Element> classElement)
Returns the Formatter's class associated with the given Element's class in the hashmap responsible for creating Formatter's for Element's. |
void |
AbstractFormatterFactory.map(Class<? extends Element> classElement,
Class<? extends Formatter> classFormatter)
Associates the given Formatter's class with the given Element's class in the hashmap responsible for creating Formatter's for Element's. |
void |
AbstractFormatterFactory.unmap(Class<? extends Element> classElement)
Remove the element/view mapping for the given Element's class in the hashmap responsible for creating Formatter's for Element's. |
Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.model |
Subinterfaces of Element in jpicedt.graphic.model | |
interface |
interface |
Specifies Element's that can be converted to a PicMultiCurve |
Classes in jpicedt.graphic.model that implement Element | |
class |
A curve made up of a concatenation of cubic bezier curves and straight lines, hereafter globally denoted as "segments". |
class |
An abstract class that can serve as the basis class for elements of a Drawing. |
class |
A class for Element 's that allow children, eg, primarily:
groups, ie, clutches of objects that maintain a kind of relationship although their geometry is
specified in an independent way;
custom paths (PSTricks' pscustom) made up by piecing objects' paths together. |
class |
class |
The Element that is the root of the tree of Element 's in this
Drawing . |
class |
A class implementing either a circle or an arc, whose geometry is specified by a PicEllipse ,
yet is further controllable by three additional points: this may either be a plain circle going through
these three points, or an arc going from P_1 to P_3 through P_2 , in
which case a pie or a chord may be added as well. |
class |
Ellipse ou arc, basé sur un parallélogramme. |
class |
A concrete implementation of BranchElement that is suited for building groups of elements. |
class |
PicMultiCurve is basically an AbstractCurve where each subdivision point has
additionnal features regarding 2nd-order smoothness and symmetry. |
class |
This class represents a connection between two DefaultLeafElement 's. |
class |
A class implementing a parallelogram. |
class |
A multicurve, either closed or not, going through a set of control points. |
class |
A multicurve, either closed or not, the geometry of which is specified using a polygon, in such a way that the curve snakes "smoothly" along the polygon. |
class |
Textual elements, possibly surrounded by a box (currently, only rectangular, oval and circular shapes are supported). |
class |
An abstract class for Element 's that have a textual
representation, and [pending:removed as of 1.3.2] whose text can be
graphically edited |
Fields in jpicedt.graphic.model declared as Element | |
protected Element |
protected Element |
Fields in jpicedt.graphic.model with type parameters of type Element | |
protected ArrayList<Element> |
the array that contains children |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model with type parameters of type Element | ||
BranchElement.createFilteredCollection(Class<T> clazz)
Returns a list containing children, grand-children, etc. of this BranchElement that are of
the same type or inherit the given clazz . |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model that return Element | |
Element |
Return a deep copy of this element. |
Element |
Drawing.get(int i)
Element |
BranchElement.get(int childIndex)
Element |
Element |
Drawing.remove(int index)
Remove the Element with the given index from this BranchElement |
Element |
BranchElement.remove(int index)
Remove the child with the given index from this BranchElement . |
Element |
Drawing.set(int index,
Element element)
Replace the element at the given index with the given graphic element No effet if "element" already belongs to the drawing. |
Element |
BranchElement.set(int position,
Element newChild)
Replace the child at the given position by the given child. |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model that return types with arguments of type Element | |
Iterator<Element> |
convenience call to RootElement's method |
Iterator<Element> |
Returns an iterator over children. |
ListIterator<Element> |
ListIterator<Element> |
ListIterator<Element> |
Drawing.listIterator(int index)
ListIterator<Element> |
BranchElement.listIterator(int index)
List<Element> |
Drawing.subList(int fromIndex,
int toIndex)
List<Element> |
BranchElement.subList(int fromIndex,
int toIndex)
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model with parameters of type Element | |
boolean |
Drawing.add(Element o)
convenience call to RootElement's method |
boolean |
BranchElement.add(Element child)
Add the given child to this BranchElement , setting its parent to this. |
void |
Drawing.add(int position,
Element o)
convenience call to RootElement's method |
void |
BranchElement.add(int position,
Element child)
Insert the given child in this BranchElement at the given position, setting its parent to
this, and create a view for the child using the ViewFactory that produced the View for
this BranchElement . |
void |
BranchElement.bringBackward(Element obj)
Move the given child one position backward, i.e. removes it from its current position and insert it one position backward. |
void |
BranchElement.bringForward(Element obj)
Move the given child one position forward, i.e. removes it from its current position and insert it one position forward. |
void |
BranchElement.bringToBack(Element obj)
Move the given child to back (i.e. following z-ordering policy), i.e. removes it from its current position and insert it at position 0 Does nothing if the given child can't be found in this Drawing or is already to back. |
void |
BranchElement.bringToFront(Element obj)
Move the given child to front, i.e. removes it from its current position and appends to the drawing. |
protected void |
Drawing.fireChangedUpdate(Element changed,
DrawingEvent.EventType type)
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. |
void |
PicNodeConnection.forwardChangedUpdate(Element node,
DrawingEvent.EventType eventType)
Called by a child-node (=a DefaultLeafElement) to inform this connection of some change that occured to one of its nodes. |
void |
Drawing.RootElement.forwardChangedUpdate(Element child,
DrawingEvent.EventType eventType)
Called by a child to inform of some change that occured to it or one of its children. |
void |
BranchElement.forwardChangedUpdate(Element child,
DrawingEvent.EventType eventType)
Called by a child of this BranchElement to inform its parent of some change that occured
to it or one of its children. |
boolean |
BranchElement.isToBack(Element obj)
boolean |
BranchElement.isToFront(Element obj)
void |
Drawing.replace(Element src,
Element dest)
Replace the given "src" element with the given "dest" element, if "src" belongs to this drawing. |
void |
BranchElement.replace(Element src,
Element dest)
Replace the given "src" element with the given "dest" element, if "src" belongs to this BranchElement . |
void |
Element.replaceBy(Element by,
boolean replaceInSelection)
La méthode replaceBy remplace dans le dessin l'élément this par l'élément
by . |
void |
AbstractElement.replaceBy(Element by,
boolean replaceInSelection)
Une implantation de replaceBy(Element by, boolean replaceInSelection) . |
Element |
Drawing.set(int index,
Element element)
Replace the element at the given index with the given graphic element No effet if "element" already belongs to the drawing. |
Element |
BranchElement.set(int position,
Element newChild)
Replace the child at the given position by the given child. |
Method parameters in jpicedt.graphic.model with type arguments of type Element | |
boolean |
Drawing.addAll(Collection<? extends Element> c)
convenience call to RootElement's method |
boolean |
BranchElement.addAll(Collection<? extends Element> c)
Appends all the elements in the given collection that are instance of Element
as children of this BranchElement . |
boolean |
Drawing.addAll(int pos,
Collection<? extends Element> c)
convenience call to RootElement's method |
boolean |
BranchElement.addAll(int index,
Collection<? extends Element> c)
Inserts all the elements in the given collection that are instance of Element
as children of this BranchElement , at the given position. |
boolean |
BranchElement.containsClass(Class<? extends Element> clazz)
Returns whether this BranchElement contains children, grandchildren, etc. that are of the
same type of inherit from the given clazz . |
Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.model with parameters of type Element | |
DefaultPointIndexIterator(Element e)
create a new PointIndexIterator for the given Element |
Drawing.DefaultDrawingEvent(Element element,
DrawingEvent.EventType type)
NodeConnectionManager(Element e)
Constructor parameters in jpicedt.graphic.model with type arguments of type Element | |
BranchElement(Collection<? extends Element> c)
Create a new BranchElement from the content of the given Collection of
Element 's. |
Drawing.RootElement(Collection<Element> c)
Create a new BranchElement from the content of the given Collection of
Element 's. |
Drawing(Collection<Element> c)
Construct a new Drawing from the given Collection, which is supposed to contain Element 's. |
PicGroup(Collection<? extends Element> c)
Simply call superclass's constructor. |
Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit |
Subinterfaces of Element in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit | |
interface |
Tags Element's able to produce an AbstractCustomizer suited for editing its geometry. |
Classes in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that implement Element | |
class |
Stores references to selected Element 's. |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return Element | |
Element[] |
Return the selected elements wrapped in an array (may be a convenience call to asCollection) |
protected Element |
Return the clone of the target element, which was init'd by startTransform |
Element |
returns the current target Element |
protected Element |
Return the element this transform acts upon |
Element |
DefaultSelectionHandler.remove(int index)
Remove the child with the given index from this BranchElement . |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return types with arguments of type Element | |
protected Iterator<Element> |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type Element | |
boolean |
DefaultSelectionHandler.add(Element child)
overriden so that the parent of the added element isn't set to this, and its view is left unchanged. |
void |
DefaultSelectionHandler.add(int position,
Element child)
Convenient call to add(child). |
protected boolean |
EditPointMouseTransformFactory.isValidTarget(Element e)
Return true is the given element is a valid target for this factory. |
void |
DefaultSelectionHandler.replace(Element e)
Replace the current selection with the given element. |
void |
DefaultSelectionHandler.replace(Element oldE,
Element newE)
La méthode correspondante de PicGroup est surchargée pour ne pas affecter les vues. |
void |
EditPointMouseTransformFactory.SelectedPointsHandler.setElement(Element e)
sets the current Element and clears the list of selected-points |
Method parameters in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with type arguments of type Element | |
boolean |
DefaultSelectionHandler.addAll(Collection<? extends Element> c)
Appends all the elements in the given collection that are instance of Element as children of this BranchElement. |
boolean |
DefaultSelectionHandler.addAll(int index,
Collection<? extends Element> c)
Commodité d'appel de addAll(c) . |
boolean |
DefaultSelectionHandler.intersect(Rectangle2D r,
ArrayList<Element> list)
Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.util |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.util that return Element | |
Element |
Renvoie l' Element après avoir effacement. |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.util with parameters of type Element | |
static void |
LinearAlgebra.abstractEltLinAp(double[][] matrix,
Element abstElt)
Application linéaire sur chaque point de contrôle d'un AbstractElement |
Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.util with parameters of type Element | |
Eraser(Element abstractElement,
ConvexPolygonalZone zone)
Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.view |
Fields in jpicedt.graphic.view declared as Element | |
protected Element |
protected Element |
The graphic element that this View renders. |
Fields in jpicedt.graphic.view with type parameters of type Element | |
protected HashMap<Class<? extends Element>,Class<? extends View>> |
a HashMap that associates View 's classes with Element 's
classes |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view that return Element | |
Element |
Element |
Returns the element the View is responsible for rendering |
Element |
Element |
Element |
author: Sylvain Reynal |
Element |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view with parameters of type Element | |
View |
ViewFactory.createView(Element element)
View |
DefaultViewFactory.createView(Element element)
Create a View for the given Element by looking up the hashmap responsible for creating
View 's for Element 's. |
void |
View.setElement(Element e)
set the element the View is responsible for rendering |
void |
AbstractView.setElement(Element e)
Set the element the View is responsible for rendering. |
Method parameters in jpicedt.graphic.view with type arguments of type Element | |
Class<? extends View> |
DefaultViewFactory.getMappedClass(Class<? extends Element> classElement)
Returns the View 's class associated with the given Element 's class in the
hashmap responsible for creating View 's for Element 's. |
protected boolean |
TextView.intersect(Rectangle2D r,
ArrayList<Element> list)
Si l'intersection de cette vue avec le rectangle r est non
vide, alors l'Element associé est ajouté à la liste
liste , si celle-ci est non null . |
protected boolean |
LeafElementView.intersect(Rectangle2D r,
ArrayList<Element> list)
If this view intersects the given rectangle, adds the associated Element to the given list (if non-null) and returns true. |
protected boolean |
CompositeView.intersect(Rectangle2D r,
ArrayList<Element> list)
If this view intersects the given rectangle, return the associated BranchElement in
GLOBAL mode, or a child Element if in LOCAL mode. |
protected abstract boolean |
AbstractView.intersect(Rectangle2D r,
ArrayList<Element> list)
If this view intersects the given rectangle, add the associated Element
or a child Element if it's more appropriate (for
instance for composite views) to the given list (if non-null), and returns true. |
boolean |
View.intersect(Rectangle2D r,
boolean isHighlightVisible,
ArrayList<Element> list)
If this view or its highlighter intersects the given rectangle, add the associated Element (or a child Element if it's more appropriate, for
instance for composite views) to the given list. |
boolean |
AbstractView.intersect(Rectangle2D r,
boolean isHighlightVisible,
ArrayList<Element> list)
Depending on the value of isHighlighVisible , current implementation first delegates to the
hosted Highlighter 's intersect() method, then calls intersect(Rectangle2D, ArrayList<Element>) . |
void |
DefaultViewFactory.map(Class<? extends Element> classElement,
Class<? extends View> classView)
Associates the given View's class with the given Element 's class in the hashmap
responsible for creating View's for Element 's. |
void |
DefaultViewFactory.unmap(Class<? extends Element> classElement)
Remove the element/view mapping for the given Element 's class in the hashmap responsible
for creating View's for Element 's. |
Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.view with parameters of type Element | |
AbstractView(Element element)
Construct a new View for the given Element . |
AbstractView(Element element,
Highlighter h)
Construct a new View for the given Element , delegating highlighting
to the given Highlighter . |
HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo(Element clickedObject,
PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
Construct a new HitInfo when a click occured on an object's end-point
author: Sylvain Reynal |
HitInfo.EnvelopeStroke(Element clicked,
int clickedSegment,
PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
Deprecated. |
HitInfo.HighlighterStroke(Element clicked,
int clickedSegment,
PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
HitInfo.Interior(Element clickedObject,
PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
construct a new HitInfo.Interior that occured on the
given Element |
HitInfo.Point(Element clickedObject,
ArrayList<Integer> pointIndices,
PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
construct a new HitInfo.Point that occured on the
given Element and on the given points simultaneously. |
HitInfo.Point(Element clickedObject,
int pointIndex,
PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
construct a new HitInfo.Point that occured on the
given Element and on the given point index |
HitInfo.Stroke(Element clicked,
int clickedSegment,
PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
construct a new HitInfo.Stroke that occured on the
stroke of the given Element |
LeafElementView(Element e,
AttributesViewFactory f)
construct a new View for the given Element |
Uses of Element in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter |
Fields in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter declared as Element | |
protected Element |
highlighted Element |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter with type parameters of type Element | ||
DefaultHighlighterFactory.getMappedClass(Class<T> classElement)
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter that return Element | |
Element |
returns the higlighted Element |
Element |
Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter with parameters of type Element | |
Highlighter |
HighlighterFactory.createHighlighter(Element element)
Highlighter |
DefaultHighlighterFactory.createHighlighter(Element element)
Method parameters in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter with type arguments of type Element | |
boolean |
Highlighter.intersect(Rectangle2D r,
ArrayList<Element> list)
If this highligher intersects the given rectangle, add the associated Element (or a child Element if it's more appropriate, for instance for composite views) to the given list (if non-null), and returns true. |
boolean |
DefaultHighlighter.intersect(Rectangle2D r,
ArrayList<Element> list)
If this highligher intersects the given rectangle, add the associated Element (or a child Element if it's more appropriate, for instance for composite views) to the given list, and returns true. |
boolean |
CompositeHighlighter.intersect(Rectangle2D r,
ArrayList<Element> list)
If this highligher intersects the given rectangle, add the associated BranchElement (or a
child Element thereof if it's more appropriate) and returns true. |
void |
DefaultHighlighterFactory.map(Class<? extends Element> classElement,
Class<? extends Highlighter> classHighlighter)
void |
DefaultHighlighterFactory.unmap(Class<? extends Element> classElement)
Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter with parameters of type Element | |
DefaultHighlighter(Element element,
DefaultHighlighterFactory f)