Package jpicedt.format.input.pstricks

Pstricks grammar tree.


Class Summary
BeginPsPictureExpression \begin{pspicture}(x0,y0)(x1,y1) -> defines a box with BL=(x0,y0) and TR=(x1,y1)
\begin{pspicture}*(x0,y0)(x1,y1) -> clipped
\begin{pspicture}[baseline](x0,y0)(x1,y1) -> changes baseline (see pstricks's doc p.41)
\begin{pspicture}[](x0,y0)(x1,y1) -> baseline passes across the origine
And the same commands with \pspicture (that is, TeX-like).
EndPsPictureExpression \end{pspicture} and/or \endpspicture.
PsArcExpression Parses \\psarc commands : \\psarc[parameters]{<->}(x0,y0){rad}{angleA}{angleB} ; where at least "arrows" or (x0,y0) args must be included \\psarc*[parameters]{<->}(x0,y0){rad}{angleA}{angleB} ; idid. but filled
PsBezierExpression Rules for parsing cubic splines with a PsTricks syntax : \\psbezier[parameters]{arrows}(x0,y0)(x1,y1)(x2,y2)(x3,y3) \\psbezier*[parameters]{arrows}(x0,y0)(x1,y1)(x2,y2)(x3,y3) or PsTricks's object previously defined by help of a \\newpsobject command.
PsBox Parses PsTricks boxes, i.e.
PsCircleExpression Quick circle : \\pscircle[parameters](x0,y0){rad} \\pscircle*[parameters](x0,y0){rad}
PsEllipseExpression Parses \\psellipse commands : \\psellipse[parameters](x0,y0)(hrad,vrad) \\psellipse*[parameters](x0,y0)(hrad,vrad)
PsFrameExpression \\psframe[parameters](x0,y0)(x1,y1) \\psframe*[parameters](x0,y0)(x1,y1)
PsObjectExpression Handles \\newpsobject{myobj}{ps_object}{par1=val1,...}
PsPolygonExpression Parses \\pspolygon, \\psdots and \\psline commands : \\pspolygon[param](2,4)(3,15) // NO ARROW ALLOWED HERE !
PsQDiskExpression Quick disk : (streamlines version of \\pscircle*), \\qdisk(x0,y0)(rad)
PsQLineExpression Quick line : \\qline(x0,y0)(x1,y1) Uses default parameters values.
PsRPutExpression Parses PsTricks's \\rput commands, either: \\rput[refpoint]{rotation}(x,y){stuff} \\rput*[refpoint]{rotation}(x,y){stuff} (line-breaks being allowed b/w each "block"), where :
refpoint = B|b|t for vertical and l|r for horizontal (B = baseline), used only for psframebox and rel.
PSTAngleParameter Used by PSTParametersExpression to parse statements involving angles, for instance "hatchangle=45" or "shadowangle=90".
PSTArrowExpression Parses Pstricks's arrows, as given by the PsTricks's documentation (p.29).
PSTBooleanExpression Used by PSTParametersExpression to parse statements involving true/false parameters values, for instance "shadow=true" or "shadow=false" ...
PSTColorExpression Used by PSTParametersExpression to parse statements involving colours, for instance "linecolor=green" (predefined colour) or "fillcolor=MyGray" (user-defined colours).
PSTDashExpression Parses statements similar to "dash=1pt 3mm" (first opaque, then transparent).
PSTDotStyleExpression Parses statements similar to "dotstyle=style" where style is one of PicObjectConstants predefined dot styles.
PSTFillStyleExpression Parses statements similar to "fillstyle=style" where style is one of PicObjectConstants predefined fill styles.
PSTInstanciationExpression Instanciates a new Element by cloning the given object, when a given tag gets found.
PSTLengthParameter Parses statement involving length units (as set by PsTricks's "runit" register), e.g.
PSTLineStyleExpression Parses statements similar to "linestyle=style" where style is one of PicObjectConstants predefined line styles.
PSTParametersExpression PsTricks graphics parameters, e.g.
PSTPicPointExpression an expression that parses "(x,y)" string (PsTricks-like PicPoint) and gives the corresponding numerical values to the point number "ptNumber" of the current Element, possibly using a given EditPointConstraint.
PstricksParser Root expression for the Pstricks parser, containing grammar rules for the pstricks format.
PsUnitLengthExpression Used by PSTParamExpression to parse statement involving the 4 pstricks length registers, that is "unit=1mm,xunit=1mm,yunit=1mm,runit=1mm" (or pt or cm), where setting "unit" sets "xunit", "yunit" and "runit" simultaneously.
StarExpression Handles (usually optional) "*" after \\psframebox,\\pspolygon,... by setting FILL_STYLE to SOLID.
UserDefinedColorExpression Parse statement defining user-colours, that is : \\newgray{user-def colour name}{num} (where num is a gray scale specification b/w 0 and 1)
\\newrgbcolor{user-def-colour-name}{num1 num2 num3} (where num are numbers b/w 0 and 1)
\\newhsbcolor{user-def-colour-name}{num1 num2 num3} (where num are numbers b/w 0 and 1)
\\newcmykcolor{user-def-colour-name}{num1 num2 num3 num4} (where num are numbers b/w 0 and 1)
Colour names may contain letters and numbers.

Package jpicedt.format.input.pstricks Description

Pstricks grammar tree.

As of jPicEdt 1.3.2, only a subset of the PsTricks language is implemented.

jPicEdt 1.3.2

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