Package jpicedt.format.input.latex

Parser grammar for the LaTeX picture environment format.


Class Summary
BeginPictureExpression LaTeX or eepic : \begin{picture}(w,h) \begin{picture}(w,h)(x,y)
EndPictureExpression \end{picture}
LaTeXBox Parses LaTeX boxes, i.e. makebox, framebox, frame and dashbox.
LaTeXCircle Parses LaTeX circles, i.e.
LaTeXInstanciationExpression instanciates a new Element by cloning the given object, when it finds the given tag, then adds it to the current PicGroup ; makes use of the PicAttributeSet associated with the ATTRIBUTES key in LaTeXParser.
LaTeXLine Parses LaTeX lines, with or without arrows, i.e.
LaTeXOval Parses LaTeX \\oval command.
LaTeXParser Grammar rules for the LaTeX's picture environment parser
LaTeXPicPointExpression an expression that parses "(x,y)" string (LaTeX-like PicPoint) and gives the corresponding numerical values to the point number "ptNumber" of the current Element using its setCtrlPt(), using the given constraint.
LaTeXPutExpression \\put(x,y){argument} Depending on the argument found, instanciates : a PicText : \\makebox, \\framebox, \\dashbox or LR-argument a PicMultiCurve : \\line, \\vector.
LineThicknessExpression Legal syntax : \\linethickness{0.4pt} \\linethickness{0.4mm} \\linethickness{0.4cm} \\linethickness{0.4} // default to mm note : 1pt = 1/72.27 inch = 0.3515 mm cf.
PicArrowTypeExpression "0/1 0/1" arrow type (we take for granted that this string is followed by a LaTeX-picPoint, as in %Line 0 1 (2.3,4.5)..., possibly with leading whitespaces)
PicBezierExpression Parser expression for : %Bezier 0|1 0|1 (x1,y1)(xC,yC)(x2,y2) dash=value
Any string
%End Bezier
where dash is optional.
PicColorExpression jPicEdt syntax (ie lines starting with a %) color : filled/blacken/whiten/shade
PicDashStatement Handles dash statements in jPicEdt-syntax (ie TeX-like comments) % ... dash= ...
PicEllipseExpression PicEllipse : %Ellipse(x0,y0)(width)(height) %Ellipse(x0,y0)(width,height) filled|whiten|blacken|shade arcStart= arcExtent= Any string (multiput...)
PicEndExpression Match "%End XXXX"-like expressions at the beginning of a line (or preceeded by whitespaces), after skipping as many lines as necessary.
PicGroupExpression PicGroup:
%Begin group
PicLineExpression PicLineExpression : %Line 0 0 (x0,y0)(x1,y1) dash=value %Line 0 1 (x0,y0)(x1,y1) dash=value %Line 1 0 (x0,y0)(x1,y1) dash=value %Line 1 1 (x0,y0)(x1,y1) dash=value (dash is optional) Any string (\multiput, etc…) %End Line
PicPolygonExpression PicPolygon :
%Polygon (x1,y1)...
PicRectangleExpression %Rectangle(x0,y0)(x1,y1)
or %Rectangle(x0,y0)(x1,y1) filled|blacken|shade|whiten dash=value
Any string
%End Rectangle
UnitLengthExpression \\unitlength value

where value's permitted syntaxs are : 0.11, 0.11mm, 0.11cm, 0.11pt with possible leading whitespaces before the "unit".

Package jpicedt.format.input.latex Description

Parser grammar for the LaTeX picture environment format.

PicEdt 1.3.2

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