Interface Summary | |
CtrlPtSubset | Un sous-ensemble de points de contrôle sur lesquels on veut agir indépendemment du reste des points de contrôle de l'élement. |
EditPointConstraint | Interface pour passer des contraintes à la méthode Element.setCtrlPt() . |
Element | This interface specifies the general contract for models of graphic elements that may be added to a Drawing. |
NodeableElement | |
PicMultiCurveConvertable | Specifies Element's that can be converted to a PicMultiCurve |
PointIndexIterator | An iterator over Element's control-point indices. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractCurve | A curve made up of a concatenation of cubic bezier curves and straight lines, hereafter globally denoted as "segments". |
AbstractElement | An abstract class that can serve as the basis class for elements of a Drawing. |
BranchElement | A class for Element 's that allow children, eg, primarily:
groups, ie, clutches of objects that maintain a kind of relationship although their geometry is
specified in an independent way;
custom paths (PSTricks' pscustom) made up by piecing objects' paths together. |
CtrlPtSubsetGroup | |
CtrlPtSubsetPlain | La classe CtrlPtSubsetPlain permet d'englober tous les points de contrôle d'un élément
graphique. |
DefaultPointIndexIterator | Default implementation of the PointIndexIterator interface, which simply iterates in ascending order over all control points. |
Drawing | An extensible array used to store Elements This is the MODEL part of the View-Model-Controller paradigm (aka javax.swing.text.Document), aimed at being plugged into an existing PECanvas. |
NodeConnectionManager | An Element's delegate that can manage node connections with this Element. |
PicAttributeName<T> | A wrapper for an attribute name that can be pushed into a PicAttributeSet. |
PicAttributeSet | a class that stores non-default graphical attributes (e.g. |
PicCircleFrom3Points | A class implementing either a circle or an arc, whose geometry is specified by a PicEllipse ,
yet is further controllable by three additional points: this may either be a plain circle going through
these three points, or an arc going from P_1 to P_3 through P_2 , in
which case a pie or a chord may be added as well. |
PicEllipse | Ellipse ou arc, basé sur un parallélogramme. |
PicEllipseConstants | Constantes utiles à la formation des PicEllipse. |
PicGroup | A concrete implementation of BranchElement that is suited for building groups of elements. |
PicMultiCurve | PicMultiCurve is basically an AbstractCurve where each subdivision point has
additionnal features regarding 2nd-order smoothness and symmetry. |
PicNodeConnection | This class represents a connection between two DefaultLeafElement 's. |
PicParallelogram | A class implementing a parallelogram. |
PicPsCurve | A multicurve, either closed or not, going through a set of control points. |
PicSmoothPolygon | A multicurve, either closed or not, the geometry of which is specified using a polygon, in such a way that the curve snakes "smoothly" along the polygon. |
PicText | Textual elements, possibly surrounded by a box (currently, only rectangular, oval and circular shapes are supported). |
StyleConstants | A collection of enum's for PicAttributeSet attribute values. |
TextEditable | An abstract class for Element 's that have a textual
representation, and [pending:removed as of 1.3.2] whose text can be
graphically edited |
Enum Summary | |
AbstractCurve.PointType | constant field for getPointType() |
BranchElement.CompoundMode | This BranchElement can be displayed, either as a group of objects (=children, "SEPARATE"
mode), or as a single path constructed by piecing children's paths together ("JOINT" mode). |
CtrlPtSubset.CZExtension | |
EditPointConstraint.EditConstraint | Énuméré de contraint pour setCtrlPt() |
PicText.FrameStyle | An enum for allowed values for frame-box styles |
PicText.HorAlign | An enum for allowed values for horizontal text alignment |
PicText.TextIcon | An enum for the text display options
TEXT_MODE In this mode the value of text is
used for display. |
PicText.TextMode | An enum for the different text-modes |
PicText.VertAlign | An enum for allowed values for vertical text alignment |
StyleConstants.ArrowStyle | |
StyleConstants.Dimen | |
StyleConstants.FillStyle | |
StyleConstants.LineStyle | |
StyleConstants.PolydotsStyle |
Document structure and graphic primitives.