Package jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Controller (document editing through UI actions)


Interface Summary
ActionDispatcher Allow PEAction's to know upon which target they must act.
ActionFactory Permet à un Element, en interaction avec une PopupMenuFactory, de produire des Action's qui ont du sens avec cet Element.
ActionLocalizer This interface, once properly implemented, may be used as a parameter for a PEAction, and can feed it with localized properties (e.g. tooltip, mnemonic…).
ConvexZoneActionFactory Permet à un ConvexZoneGroup, en interaction avec une PopupMenuFactory, de produire des Action's qui ont du sens avec ce ConvexZoneGroup.
ConvexZoneHitInfo Un ConvexZoneHitInfo comprend l'information relative à un clic de souris ayant porté sur un ConvexZone particulier.
CustomizerFactory Tags Element's able to produce an AbstractCustomizer suited for editing its geometry.
DialogFactory Provides functionalities to show a dialog box in a GUI.
DialogManager Provides functionalities to show a dialog box in a GUI.
MouseTransform An interface that specifies behaviours shared by mouse-driven object-editing actions, especially when driven by SelectionTool.
MouseTransformFactory A factory that produces MouseTransform's to be used by the SelectionTool mouse-tool.
PopupMenuFactory A factory used to create a JPopupMenu for an EditorKit.

Class Summary
AbstractCustomizer An abstract superclass that alleviates the burden of creating a customizer panel, by providing a common set of behaviours where storing/retrieving value to/from a Properties object (or any storage class) is concerned.
AbstractMouseTransform This implementation allows subclassers to modify a clone of the target Element, then to update the original Element when the operation is completed.
AbstractMouseTransformFactory Provide a skeletal implementation of the MouseTransformFactory interface.
ConvexZone Objet graphique permettant de visualiser une zone polygonale convexe sur la toile de dessin PECanvas, ainsi que dérouter les évenements d'entrée de l'utilisateur.
ConvexZoneGroup Describe class ConvexZoneGroup here.
ConvexZoneHitInfo.Stroke Represent a Hit that occured on an ConvexZone.
ConvexZoneToolFactory Fabrique d'outils de manipulation de zones convexes.
CursorFactory A factory for custom cursors.
CustomizerDialog A modal or non-modal dialog box that lays out an array of AbstractCustomizer's inside a JPanel or a JTabbedPane, depending on the number of customizers fed to the constructor.
DefaultActionDispatcher An implementation of the ActionDispatcher interface that's suited for non-shared PEAction's (ie actions which are permanently "attached" to a given PECanvas).
DefaultDialogFactory Provides functionalities to show a dialog box in a GUI.
DefaultDialogManager Provides functionalities to show a dialog box in a GUI.
DefaultSelectionHandler Stores references to selected Element's.
DrawToolFactory A factory that produces mouse-tools for drawing (ie adding) graphical element's to a canvas.
EditElementMouseTransformFactory A factory that produces MouseTransform's that may be plugged into the SelectionTool mouse tool.
EditorKit A pluggable EditorKit for a PECanvas, that mainly provides mouse-tool management, e.g. zooming, selecting and drawing capabilities, together with a set of Action's.
EditorKit.ActivateSnapAction Toggles grid-snap activation
EditorKit.CopyAction Copy target's content to clipboard
EditorKit.CutAction Cut target's content to clipboard
EditorKit.DeleteAction Delete the current selection
EditorKit.EditBoundingBoxAction Edit Drawing's bounding box.
EditorKit.EditDispositionAction Bring one or more selected objets to back, to front, forward or backward.
EditorKit.EditGeometryAction Open a dialog that allows the user to edit the geometry of the currently selected element from a dialog box.
EditorKit.EditTextModeAction Allows the user to switch the text to a small icon and back to full size.
EditorKit.GroupAction Group all selected objects into a new PicGroup.
EditorKit.JoinCurvesAction Join all selected objects of type PicMultiCurveConvertable into a new PicMultiCurve.
EditorKit.PasteAction Paste the content of the given ClipBoard into the target canvas.
EditorKit.SelectAllAction selects all objects in the current active internal frame
EditorKit.SelectMouseToolAction Sets the current mouse-tool for the editor-kit.
EditorKit.ShowGridAction Toggles grid's visible state
EditorKit.ToggleEditPointsModeAction Toggles the EditorKit's edit-points-mode b/w LOCAL_MODE and GLOBAL_MODE.
EditorKit.ToggleUseConvexZoneModeAction Bascule le mode use-convex-zone-mode de l'EditorKit entre USE et NOT_USE.
EditorKit.ZoomInAction zoom in
EditorKit.ZoomOutAction zoom out
EditPointMouseTransformFactory A factory that produces MouseTransform's that may be plugged into the SelectionTool mouse-tool.
MirrorTool Un MouseTool utilisé pour effectuer une réflection sur un Element cible en utilisant un point origine ptOrg par lequel passe l'axe de réflection, et un point extrémité ptEnd tel que le vecteur allant de ptOrg à ptEnd soit normal à l'axe de réflection Séquence des opérations à la souris: mousePressed → place l'origine ptOrg mouseDragged → place l'extrémité ptEnd en dessinant le vecteur correspondant.
MouseTool An implementation of PEMouseInputListener that factors common behaviour for EditorKit's mouse tools, and implements KeyListener so that mouse-tools can also listen to key events (e.g. to update cursor,…) This implementation offers a convenient mechanism for generating MouseMoved events as a result of a KeyPressed/KeyReleased event.
MoveTool A MouseTool used to translate a target Element by a given vector.
PEAbstractAction<T> An abstract subclass of Swing's AbstractAction that can (but may as well not) be shared across multiple PECanvas.
PEAction An abstract subclass of Swing's AbstractAction that can (but may as well not) be shared across multiple PECanvas.
PEMenu This is a subclass of JMenu that allows to add Swing Action's using the ACCELERATOR_KEY property (contrary to the JMenu implementation).
PEToggleAction A subclass of PEAction suited for toggle-able AbstractButton's, e.g.
PEToolBar A subclass of JToolBar that knows how to add PEAction's.
RotateTool A MouseTool used to rotate a target Element using a origin point and a mobile point used to compute the rotation angle.
ScaleTool A MouseTool used to scale a target Element using a source and a destination vector.
SelectionTool This generic mouse-tool is dedicated to applying MouseTransform's to elements of a Drawing, following a uniform sequence of mouse-events.
TransferableGraphic Wrapper for Element's that can be transfered to/from a Clipboard.
ZoomTool A mouse tool for EditorKit, which allows to zoom in and out while retaining the current scene at the center of the drawing sheet.

Enum Summary

Package jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Description

Controller (document editing through UI actions)

jPicEdt 1.2.1

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