Package jpicedt.format.output.pstricks

Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the PsTricks content-type.


Interface Summary
PstricksCustomization Interface de manipulation des préférences utilisateur pour la conversion entre les formats PsTricks et jPicEdt.

Class Summary
AbstractCurveFormatter Format an AbstractCurve, or any subclass of it, using PsTricks macros.
PicEllipseFormatter Formats a PicEllipse using PsTricks macros, including pstricks-add's \\psellipticarc if applicable.
PicGroupFormatter A formatter for PicGroup objects.
PicParallelogramFormatter Pstricks formatter for PicParallelogram paraects.
PicTextFormatter A formatter for PicText objects in the PsTricks format :
where :
stuff can be any of the following :
refpoint = B|b|t for vertical and l|r for horizontal (B = baseline) rotation = any angle in degree or U,L,D,R,N,W,S or E.
PstricksConstants Useful constants used across the jpicedt.format.output.pstricks package.
PstricksContentType ContentType for the Pstricks format.
PstricksCustomizer a panel for configuring the PstricksFormatter.
PstricksEmptyDrawingBoundingBox Boîte bornante par défaut pour un dessin vide dans le cadre de l'encodage Pstricks
PstricksFormatter Produces formatters for the PsTricks macro package.
PstricksUtilities Collection of static methods for the PsTricks format
PstricksViewFactory A factory to create a View for a given Element when the underlying content type for the model is Pstricks.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary

Package jpicedt.format.output.pstricks Description

Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the PsTricks content-type.

PicEdt 1.0

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