Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractCustomizer
jpicedt.format.output.dxf Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the DXF (Drawing eXchange Format, as defined by Autodesk) content-type. 
jpicedt.format.output.eepic Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the epic/eepic content-type. 
jpicedt.format.output.latex Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the LaTeX (standard) content-type. 
jpicedt.format.output.pstricks Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the PsTricks content-type. 
jpicedt.format.output.tikz Tikz Formatter Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the TikZ content-type. 
jpicedt.graphic jPicEdt library core classes and packages. 
jpicedt.graphic.model Document structure and graphic primitives. 
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)
jpicedt.ui.dialog Contains utilities classes for building various dialog boxes (preferences editing, graphic elements properties,...) 
jpicedt.ui.internal Implementation of MDIManager and related using JInternalFrame's. 
jpicedt.ui.util Utilities classes for user interface. 

Uses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.format.output.dxf

Subclasses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.format.output.dxf
 class DXFCustomizer
          Un panneau pour l'édition des préférences utilisateur pour la conversion entre les formats DXF (marque déposée) et jPicEdt.

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.dxf that return AbstractCustomizer
 AbstractCustomizer DXFContentType.createCustomizer(Properties prop)

Uses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.format.output.eepic

Subclasses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.format.output.eepic
 class EepicCustomizer
          a panel for Epic/Eepic preferences editing

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.eepic that return AbstractCustomizer
 AbstractCustomizer EepicContentType.createCustomizer(Properties prop)
          Returns a customizer panel for this content-type

Uses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.format.output.latex

Subclasses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.format.output.latex
 class LatexCustomizer
          a panel for LaTeX preferences editing (emulation parameters,...)

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.latex that return AbstractCustomizer
 AbstractCustomizer LatexContentType.createCustomizer(Properties prop)
          Returns a customizer panel for this content-type

Uses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks

Subclasses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks
 class PstricksCustomizer
          a panel for configuring the PstricksFormatter.

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks that return AbstractCustomizer
 AbstractCustomizer PstricksContentType.createCustomizer(Properties props)
          Returns a customizer panel for this content-type

Uses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.format.output.tikz

Subclasses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.format.output.tikz
 class TikzCustomizer
          Un panneau pour l'édition des préférences utilisateur pour l'import/export du format TikZ et jPicEdt.

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.tikz that return AbstractCustomizer
 AbstractCustomizer TikzContentType.createCustomizer(Properties prop)

Uses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.graphic

Subclasses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.graphic
static class PageFormat.Customizer
          a dialog box used to change a PageFormat

Methods in jpicedt.graphic that return AbstractCustomizer
 AbstractCustomizer DefaultContentType.createCustomizer(Properties prop)
          Returns a customizer panel for this content-type.
 AbstractCustomizer ContentType.createCustomizer(Properties prop)
          Returns a customizer panel for this content-type

Uses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.graphic.model

Subclasses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.graphic.model
 class Drawing.Customizer
          a customizer for editing the bounding box

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model that return AbstractCustomizer
 AbstractCustomizer PicText.createCustomizer()
          Return a Customizer for geometry editing
 AbstractCustomizer PicSmoothPolygon.createCustomizer()
 AbstractCustomizer PicPsCurve.createCustomizer()
 AbstractCustomizer PicParallelogram.createCustomizer()
 AbstractCustomizer PicMultiCurve.createCustomizer()
          Returns a Customizer for geometry editing
 AbstractCustomizer PicGroup.createCustomizer()
 AbstractCustomizer PicEllipse.createCustomizer()
 AbstractCustomizer PicCircleFrom3Points.createCustomizer()
          Return a Customizer for geometry editing
 AbstractCustomizer Drawing.BoundingBox.createCustomizer()
 AbstractCustomizer AbstractCurve.createCustomizer()
          Returns a Customizer for geometry editing

Uses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return AbstractCustomizer
 AbstractCustomizer CustomizerFactory.createCustomizer()
          Returns a customizer (Swing) component

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type AbstractCustomizer
 CustomizerDialog DialogFactory.createCustomizerDialog(AbstractCustomizer customizer, boolean modal, EnumSet<CustomizerDialog.ButtonMask> buttonMask)
          Builds a new dialog box from a single customizer.
 CustomizerDialog DefaultDialogFactory.createCustomizerDialog(AbstractCustomizer customizer, boolean modal, EnumSet<CustomizerDialog.ButtonMask> buttonsMask)
          Builds a new dialog box from a single customizer.
 void CustomizerDialog.paneActivated(AbstractCustomizer c)
          If this dialog was constructed with more than one inner-pane, this methods is invoked when a new pane gets activated.

Method parameters in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with type arguments of type AbstractCustomizer
 CustomizerDialog DialogFactory.createCustomizerDialog(ArrayList<AbstractCustomizer> customizers, int selected, String title, boolean modal, EnumSet<CustomizerDialog.ButtonMask> buttonMask)
          Creates a new dialog box from the given array of AbstractCustomizer's, laying them out in a JTabbedPane.
 CustomizerDialog DefaultDialogFactory.createCustomizerDialog(ArrayList<AbstractCustomizer> customizers, int selected, String title, boolean modal, EnumSet<CustomizerDialog.ButtonMask> buttonsMask)
          Creates a new dialog box from the given array of AbstractCustomizer's, laying them out in a JTabbedPane.

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type AbstractCustomizer
CustomizerDialog(MDIComponent host, AbstractCustomizer customizer, EnumSet<CustomizerDialog.ButtonMask> buttonsMask)
          Builds a new dialog box from a single customizer.

Constructor parameters in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with type arguments of type AbstractCustomizer
CustomizerDialog(MDIComponent host, ArrayList<AbstractCustomizer> customizers, int selected, String title, EnumSet<CustomizerDialog.ButtonMask> buttonsMask)
          Creates a new dialog box from the given array of AbstractCustomizer's, laying them out in a JTabbedPane.

Uses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.ui.dialog

Subclasses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.ui.dialog
 class DirectoriesCustomizer
          A panel for editing default directories, e.g. for saving/loading pictures, fragments or running scripts.
 class DockableAttributesCustomizer.ArrowPropertiesPanel
          A panel for editing of Element's attributeSet see GraphicPropertiesToolBar which is very similar (though it has less widget than this Panel)
 class DockableAttributesCustomizer.EditModeCustomPropertiesPanel
          Un panneau pour les attributs de personnalisation spéciale à un mode d'édition.
 class DockableAttributesCustomizer.FillPropertiesPanel
          A panel for editing of Element's fill attributes
 class DockableAttributesCustomizer.HatchPropertiesPanel
          A panel for editing of Element's hatch attributes
 class DockableAttributesCustomizer.PolydotsPropertiesPanel
          A panel for editing AbstractCurve's polydots attributes
 class DockableAttributesCustomizer.PstCustomPropertiesPanel
          A panel for adding custom attributes (pstricks only) [todo] disable panel when not in Pstricks content-type
 class DockableAttributesCustomizer.ShadowPropertiesPanel
          A customizer dedicated to editing shadow attributes
 class DockableAttributesCustomizer.StrokePropertiesPanel
          A panel for editing Element's stroke attributes (width, colour, dashing, ...)
 class DockableAttributesCustomizer.TextPropertiesPanel
          A panel for editing text attributes (alignment + frame)
 class DockableAttributesCustomizer.TikzCustomPropertiesPanel
          A panel for adding custom attributes (pstricks only) [todo] disable panel when not in Pstricks content-type
 class GeneralCustomizer
          Un panneau pour l'édition des préférences utilisateur générales : Apparence (LAF), langage,….
 class GridZoomCustomizer
          Grid and zoom preferences editing.
 class RenderingCustomizer
          a panel for editing rendering-preferences (anti-aliasing,...)
 class ShortcutsCustomizer
          A panel for editing keyboard shortcuts (i.e.
 class UIColorCustomizer
          Un panneau pour éditer les couleur de l'Interface Utilisateur (grille, bureau,…) [pending] selection highlighter colour

Uses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.ui.internal

Methods in jpicedt.ui.internal with parameters of type AbstractCustomizer
 CustomizerDialog JFrameMDIManager.createCustomizerDialog(AbstractCustomizer customizer, boolean modal, EnumSet<CustomizerDialog.ButtonMask> buttonMask)
          Builds a new dialog box from a single customizer.
 CustomizerDialog InternalFrameMDIManager.createCustomizerDialog(AbstractCustomizer customizer, boolean modal, EnumSet<CustomizerDialog.ButtonMask> buttonMask)
          Builds a new dialog box from a single customizer.

Method parameters in jpicedt.ui.internal with type arguments of type AbstractCustomizer
 CustomizerDialog JFrameMDIManager.createCustomizerDialog(ArrayList<AbstractCustomizer> customizers, int selected, String title, boolean modal, EnumSet<CustomizerDialog.ButtonMask> buttonMask)
          Creates a new dialog box from the given array of AbstractCustomizer's, laying them out in a JTabbedPane.
 CustomizerDialog InternalFrameMDIManager.createCustomizerDialog(ArrayList<AbstractCustomizer> customizers, int selected, String title, boolean modal, EnumSet<CustomizerDialog.ButtonMask> buttonMask)
          Creates a new dialog box from the given array of AbstractCustomizer's, laying them out in a JTabbedPane.

Uses of AbstractCustomizer in jpicedt.ui.util

Methods in jpicedt.ui.util that return AbstractCustomizer
static AbstractCustomizer RunExternalCommand.createCustomizer(Properties preferences)

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