Uses of Class

Packages that use EditorKit
jpicedt Contains the main JPicEdt class, as well as some utilities. 
jpicedt.graphic jPicEdt library core classes and packages. 
jpicedt.graphic.event Various events used for the communication between model, view and controler, as well as to notify external receivers of changes in the document structure, appearance,…
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)

Uses of EditorKit in jpicedt

Methods in jpicedt that return EditorKit
static EditorKit JPicEdt.getActiveEditorKit()
          Return the EditorKit attached to the currently active PECanvas (ie hosted by the currently active PEDrawinBoard), or null if no board is currently active.

Uses of EditorKit in jpicedt.graphic

Fields in jpicedt.graphic declared as EditorKit
protected  EditorKit PECanvas.kit
          the current editor kit for this component

Methods in jpicedt.graphic that return EditorKit
protected  EditorKit PECanvas.createDefaultEditorKit(ContentType contentType)
          Creates a default editor kit (EditorKit) whose factory delegates are initialized from the given content-type.
 EditorKit PECanvas.getEditorKit()
          Fetches the currently installed kit for handling content.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic with parameters of type EditorKit
 void PECanvas.setEditorKit(EditorKit kit)
          Sets the currently installed kit for handling content.

Uses of EditorKit in jpicedt.graphic.event

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.event that return EditorKit
 EditorKit HelpMessageEvent.getSource()
          Return the editor kit that sourced this event.
 EditorKit EditorKitEvent.getSource()
          Return the editor kit that sourced this event

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.event with parameters of type EditorKit
EditorKitEvent(EditorKit source, EditorKitEvent.EventType type, HitInfo hitInfo)
          contruct a new EditorKitEvent.
HelpMessageEvent(EditorKit source, String message)
          contruct a new event

Uses of EditorKit in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Fields in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit declared as EditorKit
protected  EditorKit SelectionTool.editorKit

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return EditorKit
protected  EditorKit PEAbstractAction.getEditorKit()
          Returns the EditorKit associated with the target PECanvas (this is a convenience call to getCanvas().
 EditorKit AbstractMouseTransformFactory.getEditorKit()
          Return the hosting EditorKit for mouse-tools which work with this factory.

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type EditorKit
AbstractMouseTransformFactory(EditorKit kit)
ConvexZoneSelectionTool(EditorKit editorKit, MouseTransformFactory mtFactory)
ConvexZoneToolFactory(EditorKit editorKit)
DefaultSelectionHandler(EditorKit kit)
          construct a new selection handler for this editor kit, with SelectionHandlerView as the default view.
DrawToolFactory(EditorKit editorKit)
EditConvexZoneMouseTransformFactory(EditorKit kit)
          Crée un nouvel examplaire de EditConvexZoneMouseTransformFactory.
EditElementMouseTransformFactory(EditorKit kit)
EditorKit(ContentType contentType, EditorKit oldKit)
          Construct a new EditorKit with SELECT being the default initial edit-mode.
EditPointMouseTransformFactory(EditorKit kit)
ElementSelectionTool(EditorKit editorKit, MouseTransformFactory mtFactory)
InConvexZoneTranslateTool(EditorKit kit, ConvexZoneGroup target)
InConvexZoneTrimTool(EditorKit kit, ConvexZoneGroup target)
MirrorTool(EditorKit kit, Element target)
          Construit une nouvel examplaire de MirrorTool.
MoveTool(EditorKit kit, Element target)
RotateTool(EditorKit kit, Element target)
ScaleTool(EditorKit kit, Element target)
SelectionTool(EditorKit editorKit, MouseTransformFactory mtFactory)
ZoomTool(EditorKit kit)
          construct a new ZoomTool for the given EditorKit

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