Package jpicedt

Contains the main JPicEdt class, as well as some utilities.


Interface Summary
Customization Interface permettant de charger/décharger des propriétés de personnalisation dans une classe en dépendant.

Class Summary
JPicEdt Application main class (this class is not shipped in the jpicedt library)
JPicEdt.AboutAction Opens the "about..." dialog box
JPicEdt.ContentTypeAction Set the content-type of the currently active board
JPicEdt.ExitAction Exit jPicEdt
JPicEdt.FileCloseAction Close the active board
JPicEdt.FileNewAction Create a new board from scratch, performing operation in a separate thread.
JPicEdt.FileOpenAction Open a board from disk, performing I/O operations in a separate thread
JPicEdt.FileReloadAction Reload the active board from disk, performing I/O operation in a separate thread.
JPicEdt.FileSaveAction save a frame content to disk, performing I/O operations in a separate thread
JPicEdt.FileSaveAllAction Save all open boards to disk.
JPicEdt.FileSaveAsAction Save the active board to disk with a new file name, performing I/O operations in a separate thread
JPicEdt.FragmentInsertAction Insert a fragment into the active board, performing I/O operation in a separate thread.
JPicEdt.FragmentSaveAction save the selection content of the active board to disk as a "fragment"
JPicEdt.MemoryMonitorAction Display memory information
JPicEdt.OpenBSHConsoleAction Open a BeanShell console
JPicEdt.PageFormatAction Set the format of the currently active board
JPicEdt.PreferencesAction Open the "preferences" dialog box
JPicEdt.RedoAction Redoes last action
JPicEdt.RedrawAction Redraws (aka repaint()) active internal frame
JPicEdt.RunExternalCommandAction run an external process
JPicEdt.ShowErrorLogAction open a frame containing the error.log file
JPicEdt.ShowHelpAction open a frame containing the help (HTML formatted) page.
JPicEdt.ShowLicenseAction open a frame containing the (HTML formatted) GPL license page.
JPicEdt.ToggleAttributesPanelAction Toggle the visibility of the attributes editor
JPicEdt.ToggleConvexZonePanelAction Toggle the visibility of the convexe zone palette
JPicEdt.ToggleToolkitPanelAction Toggle the visibility of the toolkit panel
JPicEdt.UndoAction Undoes last action
JPicEdt.ViewLaTeXFileAction Display the LaTeX content of the active board in a Dialog Box
JPicEdt.WindowCascadeAction Cascades internal frames
JPicEdt.WindowTileHorAction Tiles internal frames horizontally
JPicEdt.WindowTileVertAction Tiles internal frames vertically
Localizer Localizer for all classes of the jpicedt's tree.
Log Utility class for printing out debugging messages.
MiscUtilities A collection of static utilities methods.
Version contains static methods that return version information

Enum Summary

Package jpicedt Description

Contains the main JPicEdt class, as well as some utilities.

PicEdt 1.0

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