Uses of Class

Packages that use PicGroup
jpicedt.format.input.util This package contains helper classes for building a parser based on the well-known RegExp scheme, yet with a strong object-oriented approach in mind. 
jpicedt.format.output.pstricks Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the PsTricks content-type. 
jpicedt.format.output.tikz Tikz Formatter Classes (formatter, view factory,…) related to the TikZ content-type. 
jpicedt.format.output.util Interfaces and base classes useful to implement a formatter for a given format, for instance Pstricks. 
jpicedt.graphic.model Document structure and graphic primitives. 
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)
jpicedt.graphic.util Bibliothèque de classes pour effectuer des calculs graphiques: rognage de forme zones convexes algèbre linéaire en 2D  

Uses of PicGroup in jpicedt.format.input.util

Fields in jpicedt.format.input.util declared as PicGroup
 PicGroup Pool.currentGroup
          either the main drawing, or a subgroup ; each new parsed Element should be added to this group

Fields in jpicedt.format.input.util with type parameters of type PicGroup
 Stack<PicGroup> Pool.picGroupStack
          A stack used to store the main drawing and its subgroups ; each time a "begin group" is encountered, the current PicGroup is pushed onto the stack, and a new PicGroup is instanciated, which then represents the current PicGroup ; the opposite operations are executed in the reverse order when a "end group" is found.

Uses of PicGroup in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks

Fields in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks declared as PicGroup
 PicGroup NestedPsCustomException.containedPsCustomGroup

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks that return PicGroup
 PicGroup PstricksFormatter.getContainerPsCustom()
          Renvoie le dernier PicGroup ayant un compoundMode égal à JOINT, s'il y en a un, null sinon, de sorte à détecter l'exception NestedPsCustomException.

Methods in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks with parameters of type PicGroup
 void PstricksFormatter.setContainerPsCustom(PicGroup group)
          Mémorise le dernier PicGroup ayant un compoundMode égal à JOINT, de sorte à détecter l'exception NestedPsCustomException.

Constructors in jpicedt.format.output.pstricks with parameters of type PicGroup
PicGroupFormatter(PicGroup group, PstricksFormatter factory)

Uses of PicGroup in jpicedt.format.output.tikz

Constructors in jpicedt.format.output.tikz with parameters of type PicGroup
PicGroupFormatter(PicGroup group, TikzFormatter factory)

Uses of PicGroup in jpicedt.format.output.util

Fields in jpicedt.format.output.util declared as PicGroup
protected  PicGroup

Constructors in jpicedt.format.output.util with parameters of type PicGroup
PicGroupFormatter(PicGroup group, FormatterFactory factory)

Uses of PicGroup in

Constructors in with parameters of type PicGroup
JPICGroupFormatter(PicGroup group, FormatterFactory factory)

Uses of PicGroup in jpicedt.graphic.model

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model that return PicGroup
 PicGroup PicGroup.clone()
          Return a deep copy of this PicGroup

Uses of PicGroup in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Subclasses of PicGroup in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit
 class DefaultSelectionHandler
          Stores references to selected Element's.

Uses of PicGroup in jpicedt.graphic.util

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.util that return PicGroup
static PicGroup MultiCurveToArc.convert(AbstractCurve multiCurve, double tol, double maxRadius, int firstCtlPtIndex, int lastCtlPtIndex)
          Méthode permettant de convertir une chaîne de courbes cubiques de Bézier en une chaîne d'arc de cercle et de segment de droite (chaînés entre eux par un conteneur PicGroup).

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