Uses of Class

Packages that use PicVector
jpicedt.graphic jPicEdt library core classes and packages. 
jpicedt.graphic.model Document structure and graphic primitives. 
jpicedt.graphic.util Bibliothèque de classes pour effectuer des calculs graphiques: rognage de forme zones convexes algèbre linéaire en 2D  
jpicedt.graphic.view Document appearance. 

Uses of PicVector in jpicedt.graphic

Fields in jpicedt.graphic declared as PicVector
static PicVector PicVector.X_AXIS
          the (1,0) unit vector ; this may be used to compute e.g. angles, projections, ...
static PicVector PicVector.Y_AXIS
          the (0,1) unit vector ; this may be used to compute e.g. angles, projections, ...

Methods in jpicedt.graphic that return PicVector
 PicVector PicVector.add(PicPoint other)
          Add the given vector to this vector, which modifies this, and return this for convenience.
 PicVector PicVector.add(PicPoint other, double a)
          Add the given vector scaled by "a" to this vector, which modifies this, and return this for convenience.
 PicVector PicVector.cAdd(PicPoint other)
          Make the addition the given vector to this vector, without modifying this, and return the result.
 PicVector PicVector.cAdd(PicVector other, double a)
          Make the addition the given other vector scaled by a to this vector, without modifying this nor other, and return the result.
 PicVector PicVector.cIMul()
          Rotate this by PI/2 radian, without modifying this, and return the result of this rotation.
 PicVector PicVector.cInverse()
 PicVector PicVector.cMIMul()
          Rotate this by -PI/2 radian, without modifying this, and return the result of this rotation.
 PicVector PicVector.cMul(double s)
          Multiplie le vecteur this par s, sans modifier this.
static PicVector PEToolKit.computeTangentToPath(Shape s, PicPoint pt, double maxDist)
          Returns the tangent to the given path, computed at the path-point which is closest to the given point "pt" than the given maximum distance Return null otherwise (ie if pt is too far from the given shape).
 PicVector PicVector.cSub(PicPoint other)
          Make the subtraction the given vector from this vector, without modifying this, and return the result.
static PicVector PicVector.getDirector(double startPtX, double startPtY, double endPtX, double endPtY, PicVector dest)
          Return a unitary vector pointing from startPt to endPt ; if dest is non-null, it's filled with the result and returned for convenience ; otherwise, a new PicPoint gets allocated.
static PicVector PicVector.getDirector(PicPoint startPt, PicPoint endPt)
          Return a unitary vector pointing from startPt to endPt
static PicVector PicVector.getDirector(PicPoint startPt, PicPoint endPt, PicVector dest)
          Return a unitary vector pointing from startPt to endPt ; if dest is non-null, it's filled with the result and returned for convenience ; otherwise, a new PicPoint gets allocated.
static PicVector PicVector.getOrthogonal(PicPoint startPt, PicPoint endPt)
          Return a UNITARY vector orthogonal to the vector pointing from startPt to endPt and built by rotating this vector CCW.
 PicVector PicVector.iMul()
          Rotate this by PI/2 radian, which modifies this, and return this for convenience.
 PicVector PicVector.inverse()
          Change the sign of each coordinate of this vector
 PicVector PicVector.miMul()
          Rotate this by -PI/2 radian, which modifies this, and return this for convenience.
 PicVector PicVector.normalize()
          Normalize this vector so that this becomes a unitary vector Does nothing if this vector is a null-vector.
static PicVector PicVector.normalize(PicVector src, PicVector dest)
          Return a normalized copy of the given vector.
 PicVector PicVector.rotate(double angle)
          Rotate this vector by the given (CCW-oriented) angle in radians.
static PicVector PicVector.rotate(PicVector src, PicVector dest, double angle)
          Return a rotated copy of the given vector.
 PicVector PicVector.scale(double a)
          Multiply each coordinate of this vector by the given double
 PicVector PicVector.scale(double ax, double ay)
          Multiply each coordinate of this vector by the given pair of double
static PicVector PicVector.scale(PicVector src, PicVector dest, double scale)
          Return a scaled copy of the given vector.
 PicVector PicVector.setCoordinates(Line2D line)
          Set the coordinates of this vector from the given Line2D object
 PicVector PicVector.setCoordinates(Point2D pt1, Point2D pt2)
          Set the coordinates of this vector from the two given points.
 PicVector PicVector.subtract(PicPoint other)
          Subtract the given vector from this vector, which modifies this, and return this for convenience.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic with parameters of type PicVector
 double PicVector.angle(PicVector other)
          Return the (CCW oriented) angle, in radians, of the other vector relative to this vector.
 double PicVector.angleDegrees(PicVector other)
          Return the (CCW oriented) angle between this vector and the given vector, in degrees.
 PicVector PicVector.cAdd(PicVector other, double a)
          Make the addition the given other vector scaled by a to this vector, without modifying this nor other, and return the result.
 double PicVector.det(PicVector other)
          Return the determinant of {{x,y},{other.x,other.y}} ; this is aka vector product, where only the z-coordinate gets returned.
static PicVector PicVector.getDirector(double startPtX, double startPtY, double endPtX, double endPtY, PicVector dest)
          Return a unitary vector pointing from startPt to endPt ; if dest is non-null, it's filled with the result and returned for convenience ; otherwise, a new PicPoint gets allocated.
static PicVector PicVector.getDirector(PicPoint startPt, PicPoint endPt, PicVector dest)
          Return a unitary vector pointing from startPt to endPt ; if dest is non-null, it's filled with the result and returned for convenience ; otherwise, a new PicPoint gets allocated.
 boolean PicVector.isColinear(PicVector other)
          Return whether this vector is proportional to the given vector
 boolean PicVector.isOrthogonal(PicVector other)
          Return whether this vector is orthogonal to the given vector
 PicPoint PicPoint.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
          A le même effet que l'appel à mirror(ptOrg,normalVector,this), c'est à dire que la valeur de this est changée par reflexion relativement à l'axe passant par ptOrg et normal à normalVector.
 PicPoint PicPoint.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector, PicPoint ret)
          Renvoie l'image par réflection du PicPoint this relativement à l'axe passant par le point ptOrg et normal au vecteur normalVector.
static PicVector PicVector.normalize(PicVector src, PicVector dest)
          Return a normalized copy of the given vector.
static PicVector PicVector.rotate(PicVector src, PicVector dest, double angle)
          Return a rotated copy of the given vector.
static PicVector PicVector.scale(PicVector src, PicVector dest, double scale)
          Return a scaled copy of the given vector.

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic with parameters of type PicVector
PicVector(PicVector picVec)
          Clone the given vector.

Uses of PicVector in jpicedt.graphic.model

Fields in jpicedt.graphic.model declared as PicVector
protected  PicVector PicParallelogram.b2tVec
          see documentation for l2rVec
protected  PicVector PicParallelogram.l2rVec
          "l2rVec" is a vector pointing from P_BL to P_BR (or equally, from P_TL to P_TR) "b2tVec" is a vector pointing from P_BR to P_TR (or equally, from P_BL to P_TL) These two vectors simply define a convenient parallelogram's basis, and are updated by a call to PicParallelogram.updateParalleloBasis().

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model that return PicVector
 PicVector PicParallelogram.getB2TVec()
 PicVector AbstractCurve.CurveToSegment.getFromTangent()
 PicVector AbstractCurve.getIncomingTangent(int subdivIndex)
          Return a non-normalized vector tangent to the incoming segment (i.e., wrt the control-point that comes before the given subdivision point)
 PicVector PicParallelogram.getL2RVec()
 PicVector AbstractCurve.getOutgoingTangent(int subdivIndex)
          Return a non-normalized vector tangent to the outcoming segment (i.e., wrt the control-point that comes after the given subdivision point)
 PicVector PicNodeConnection.getTangentA(PicVector v)
          Return the tangent to the node connection at node A.
 PicVector PicEllipse.getTangentAtAngleEnd(PicVector pt)
          Utility for computing arrow direction.
 PicVector PicEllipse.getTangentAtAngleStart(PicVector pt)
          Utility for computing arrow direction.
 PicVector PicNodeConnection.getTangentB(PicVector v)
          Return the tangent to the node connection at node B.
 PicVector AbstractCurve.CurveToSegment.getToTangent()
protected  PicVector PicParallelogram.toParalleloBasisCoordinates(PicPoint ptOrg, PicPoint ptSrc, PicVector ptDest)
          Compute the contravariant coordinate of the given point "ptSrc" along the "l2r" and "b2t" vectors of the parallelogram's basis, the origin of the basis being set at "ptOrg" This simply reduces to a contravariant change of coordinates from the cartesian basis to the (non-orthonormalized) parallelogram basis.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model with parameters of type PicVector
 void AbstractCurve.diff1CurveTo(PicVector dP0, PicVector dP1, PicPoint p1)
          Utilisable pour approcher une courbe paramétrée P(t) par la chaîne de courbe de Bézier this lorqu'on dispose des dérivées d'ordre 1 de P(t).
 void AbstractCurve.diff2CurveTo(PicVector d2P0, PicVector d2P1, PicVector dP0, PicVector dP1, PicPoint p1)
          Utilisable pour approcher une courbe paramétrée P(t) par la chaîne de courbe de Bézier this lorqu'on dispose des dérivées d'ordre 1 et 2 de P(t).
 PicVector PicNodeConnection.getTangentA(PicVector v)
          Return the tangent to the node connection at node A.
 PicVector PicEllipse.getTangentAtAngleEnd(PicVector pt)
          Utility for computing arrow direction.
 PicVector PicEllipse.getTangentAtAngleStart(PicVector pt)
          Utility for computing arrow direction.
 PicVector PicNodeConnection.getTangentB(PicVector v)
          Return the tangent to the node connection at node B.
 void PicText.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
          Effectue une réflexion sur this relativement à l'axe défini par ptOrg et normalVector.
 void PicSmoothPolygon.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
          Effectue une réflexion sur this relativement à l'axe défini par ptOrg et normalVector.
 void PicPsCurve.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
          Effectue une réflexion sur this relativement à l'axe défini par ptOrg et normalVector.
 void PicParallelogram.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
          Effectue une réflexion sur this relativement à l'axe défini par ptOrg et normalVector.
 void PicNodeConnection.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
          Effectue une réflexion sur this relativement à l'axe défini par ptOrg et normalVector.
 void PicMultiCurve.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
          Effectue une réflexion sur this relativement à l'axe défini par ptOrg et normalVector.
 void PicEllipse.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
          Effectue une réflexion sur this relativement à l'axe défini par ptOrg et normalVector.
 void PicCircleFrom3Points.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
          Effectue une réflexion sur this relativement à l'axe défini par ptOrg et normalVector.
 void Element.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
          Effectue une réflexion de l'objet this relativement à la droite passant par le point ptOrg et normale au vecteur normalVector.
 void Drawing.BoundingBox.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
 void BranchElement.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
          Effectue une reflection sur le PicGroup.
 void AbstractCurve.mirror(PicPoint ptOrg, PicVector normalVector)
          Effectue une réflexion sur this relativement à l'axe défini par ptOrg et normalVector.
protected  PicVector PicParallelogram.toParalleloBasisCoordinates(PicPoint ptOrg, PicPoint ptSrc, PicVector ptDest)
          Compute the contravariant coordinate of the given point "ptSrc" along the "l2r" and "b2t" vectors of the parallelogram's basis, the origin of the basis being set at "ptOrg" This simply reduces to a contravariant change of coordinates from the cartesian basis to the (non-orthonormalized) parallelogram basis.

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.model with parameters of type PicVector
AbstractCurve.CurveToSegment(PicPoint from, PicVector fromTangent, PicVector toTangent, PicPoint to)

Uses of PicVector in jpicedt.graphic.util

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.util that return PicVector
 PicVector VecPolynomial.coeff(int i)
          Renvoie le coefficient du monôme de degré i
 PicVector ConvexPolygonalZone.HalfPlane.getDir()
static PicVector LinearAlgebra.invLinearApplication(double[][] matrix, PicPoint x)
          Calcul l'image de x par une application linéaire définie par l'inverse matrix.
static PicVector LinearAlgebra.linearApplication(double[][] matrix, PicPoint x)
          Fait le produit d'une matrice 2×2 matrix et d'un vecteur x.
static PicVector LinearAlgebra.vectorLinAp(double[][] matrix, PicVector x)
          Fait le produit d'une matrice 2×2 matrix et d'un vecteur x, affecte le résultat à x, et retourne le résultat.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.util with parameters of type PicVector
 void ConvexPolygonalZone.addHalfPlane(PicPoint org, PicVector normalDir)
          ajoute un demi-plan passant par org, normal à normalDir, et du côté pointé par par normalDir.
 void VecPolynomial.addMonomial(int d, PicVector c)
          ajoute c*X^d au polynôme this. this est modifié.
 Polynomial v)
          Effectue le porduit scalaire entre le polynôme this et l'argument PicVector v.
static double[][] LinearAlgebra.normalVectorsToMatrix(PicVector n1, PicVector n2)
          Renvoie une matrice dont n1 transposé est la première ligne, et n2 transposé la seconde ligne (où l'on considère les PicVector comme des vecteurs colonne).
static PicVector LinearAlgebra.vectorLinAp(double[][] matrix, PicVector x)
          Fait le produit d'une matrice 2×2 matrix et d'un vecteur x, affecte le résultat à x, et retourne le résultat.

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.util with parameters of type PicVector
VecPolynomial(int leastDegree, int degree, PicVector[] coefficients)
          construit un polynôme.

Uses of PicVector in jpicedt.graphic.view

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view with parameters of type PicVector
 void ArrowView.paint(Graphics2D g, double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
          Updates then paints this arrow.
 void ArrowView.paint(Graphics2D g, PicPoint loc, PicVector dir)
          Updates then paints this arrow.
abstract  void ArrowView.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
          To be called when the geometry of the hosting Element changed.
 void ArrowView.Head.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
 void ArrowView.ReverseHead.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
 void ArrowView.DoubleHead.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
 void ArrowView.DoubleReverseHead.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
 void ArrowView.TBarCentered.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
 void ArrowView.TBarFlushed.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
 void ArrowView.SquareBracket.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
 void ArrowView.RoundedBracket.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
 void ArrowView.CircleFlushed.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
 void ArrowView.CircleCentered.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
 void ArrowView.DiskFlushed.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
 void ArrowView.DiskCentered.updateShape(double locX, double locY, PicVector dir)
 void ArrowView.updateShape(PicPoint loc, PicVector dir)
          To be called when the geometry of the hosting Element changed.

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