Uses of Class

Packages that use PECanvas
jpicedt Contains the main JPicEdt class, as well as some utilities. 
jpicedt.graphic jPicEdt library core classes and packages. 
jpicedt.graphic.event Various events used for the communication between model, view and controler, as well as to notify external receivers of changes in the document structure, appearance,…
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)
jpicedt.graphic.view Document appearance. 
jpicedt.test Test classes. 
jpicedt.ui Some classes and interfaces that help building concrete implementation of MDIManager's. 
jpicedt.ui.dialog Contains utilities classes for building various dialog boxes (preferences editing, graphic elements properties,...) 
jpicedt.ui.internal Implementation of MDIManager and related using JInternalFrame's. 

Uses of PECanvas in jpicedt

Methods in jpicedt that return PECanvas
static PECanvas JPicEdt.getActiveCanvas()
          Return the currently active PECanvas (ie hosted by the currently active PEDrawinBoard), or null if no board is currently active.

Uses of PECanvas in jpicedt.graphic

Methods in jpicedt.graphic with parameters of type PECanvas
 PageFormat.Customizer PageFormat.createCustomizer(PECanvas canvas)
          Return a dialog for editing this PageFormat attached to the given canvas (a reference to the hosting canvas is needed so that setPageFormat() can be ultimately called when "ok" is pressed).

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic with parameters of type PECanvas
PageFormat.Customizer(PageFormat pageFormat, PECanvas canvas)
PECanvas.IconizedTextTooltipDisplayListener(PECanvas canvas)
PEScrollPane(PECanvas canvas)
          Construct a new PEScrollPane using the given canvas for the View.

Uses of PECanvas in jpicedt.graphic.event

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.event that return PECanvas
 PECanvas PEMouseEvent.getCanvas()
          Return the PECanvas on which this mouse event occured

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.event with parameters of type PECanvas
ConvexZoneSelectionEvent(PECanvas source, ConvexZone[] convexZones, ConvexZoneSelectionEvent.EventType type)
          A new SelectionEvent sourced from the given PECanvas Use this constructor when several elements were (un)selected.
ConvexZoneSelectionEvent(PECanvas source, ConvexZone convexZone, ConvexZoneSelectionEvent.EventType type)
          A new SelectionEvent sourced from the given PECanvas.
PEMouseEvent(MouseEvent awtEvent, PECanvas source, PicPoint pt)
RotateEvent(PECanvas source, double angle)
          a new RotateEvent sourced from the given PECanvas
SelectionEvent(PECanvas source, Element[] elements, SelectionEvent.EventType type)
          a new SelectionEvent sourced from the given PECanvas Use this constructor when several elements were (un)selected.
SelectionEvent(PECanvas source, Element element, SelectionEvent.EventType type)
          a new SelectionEvent sourced from the given PECanvas.
ZoomEvent(PECanvas source, double oldZoom, double newZoom, PicPoint ptCenter)
          a new ZoomEvent sourced from the given PECanvas

Uses of PECanvas in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Fields in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit declared as PECanvas
protected  PECanvas EditorKit.board
          the PECanvas this EditorKit is installed in. null if not installed
protected  PECanvas ConvexZone.canvas

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return PECanvas
protected  PECanvas PEAbstractAction.getCanvas()
          Returns the PECanvas this Action acts upon, as specified by the ActionDispatcher provided in the constructor.
 PECanvas EditorKit.getCanvas()
          Return the PECanvas into which this kit is installed, or null if the kit has not been installed yet.
 PECanvas TransferableGraphic.getSourceBoard()
 PECanvas DefaultActionDispatcher.getTarget()
          Returns the PECanvas upon which a PEAction should act.
 PECanvas ActionDispatcher.getTarget()
          return the PECanvas upon which a PEAction should act.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type PECanvas
 JPopupMenu PopupMenuFactory.createPopupMenu(PECanvas board, ConvexZoneHitInfo hi)
 JPopupMenu PopupMenuFactory.createPopupMenu(PECanvas board, HitInfo hi)
 JPopupMenu PopupMenuFactory.createPopupMenu(PECanvas board, PEMouseEvent e)
          Méthode à appeler lorsque aucun élément ou aucune zone convexe ne sont touchés.
 void EditorKit.deinstall(PECanvas board)
          Called when the kit is being removed from a PECanvas.
 void EditorKit.install(PECanvas board)
          Called when the kit is being installed into a PECanvas.
 void RotateTool.rotateTarget(double angle, PECanvas canvas)
          Rotation à partir du GridZoomToolBar.
 void TransferableGraphic.setSourceBoard(PECanvas board)

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type PECanvas
ConvexZone(ConvexPolygonalZone convexPolygonalZone, PECanvas canvas)
DefaultActionDispatcher(PECanvas target)
          Builds an ActionDispatcher which permanently dispatches events to the given PECanvas.
TransferableGraphic(Element[] elements, String formatted, PECanvas sourceBoard)
          Construct a new TransferableGraphic from a clone of the given elements and the given String containing the formatted representation of the elements (this depends on the ContentType of of the caller).

Uses of PECanvas in jpicedt.graphic.view

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view that return PECanvas
 PECanvas View.getContainer()
          Fetches the container hosting the view.
 PECanvas AbstractView.getContainer()
          Fetches the container hosting the view.

Uses of PECanvas in jpicedt.test

Fields in jpicedt.test declared as PECanvas
 PECanvas TestCanvas.canvas

Uses of PECanvas in jpicedt.ui

Methods in jpicedt.ui that return PECanvas
 PECanvas PEDrawingBoard.getCanvas()
author: Sylvain Reynal

Methods in jpicedt.ui with parameters of type PECanvas
 void PEDrawingBoard.GridZoomToolBar.install(PECanvas canvas)
          Called when this tool-bar is installed, and widgets values must reflect a given PECanvas state.

Uses of PECanvas in jpicedt.ui.dialog

Constructors in jpicedt.ui.dialog with parameters of type PECanvas
ViewFormattedStringDialog(PECanvas canvas, MDIManager mdimgr)

Uses of PECanvas in jpicedt.ui.internal

Methods in jpicedt.ui.internal with parameters of type PECanvas
 JPopupMenu PEPopupMenuFactory.createPopupMenu(PECanvas board, ConvexZoneHitInfo hi)
          Describe createPopupMenu method here.
 JPopupMenu PEPopupMenuFactory.createPopupMenu(PECanvas board, HitInfo hi)
 JPopupMenu PEPopupMenuFactory.createPopupMenu(PECanvas board, PEMouseEvent e)

Constructors in jpicedt.ui.internal with parameters of type PECanvas
PEPopupMenuFactory.PopupMenu(PECanvas canvas, ConvexZoneHitInfo hi)
          Crée une nouvelle instance de PopupMenu.
PEPopupMenuFactory.PopupMenu(PECanvas canvas, HitInfo hi)
PEPopupMenuFactory.PopupMenu(PECanvas canvas, PEMouseEvent e)

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