Uses of Class

Packages that use UserConfirmationCache
jpicedt.graphic.model Document structure and graphic primitives. 
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)
jpicedt.ui.dialog Contains utilities classes for building various dialog boxes (preferences editing, graphic elements properties,...) 

Uses of UserConfirmationCache in jpicedt.graphic.model

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model that return UserConfirmationCache
 UserConfirmationCache EditPointConstraint.getUserConfirmationCache()
          Renvoie un contexte UserConfirmationCache donnant les voeux de l'utilisateur notamment quant aux transformation non conformes.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model with parameters of type UserConfirmationCache
 void PicText.scale(double ptOrgX, double ptOrgY, double sx, double sy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Scale this object by (sx,sy) using (ptOrgX,ptOrgY) as the origin.
 void PicSmoothPolygon.scale(double ptOrgX, double ptOrgY, double sx, double sy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Scale this object by (sx,sy) using (ptOrgX,ptOrgY) as the origin.
 void PicPsCurve.scale(double ptOrgX, double ptOrgY, double sx, double sy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Scale this object by (sx,sy) using (ptOrgX,ptOrgY) as the origin.
 void PicParallelogram.scale(double ptOrgX, double ptOrgY, double sx, double sy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Scale this object by (sx,sy) using (ptOrgX,ptOrgY) as the origin.
 void PicNodeConnection.scale(double ptOrgX, double ptOrgY, double sx, double sy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Scale children by (sx,sy) using (ptOrgX,ptOrgY) as origin ; sx and sy can be negative.
 void PicEllipse.scale(double ptOrgX, double ptOrgY, double sx, double sy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Scale this object by (sx,sy) using (ptOrgX,ptOrgY) as the origin.
 void PicCircleFrom3Points.scale(double ptOrgX, double ptOrgY, double sx, double sy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Scale this object by (sx,sy) using (ptOrgX,ptOrgY) as the origin.
 void Element.scale(double ptOrgX, double ptOrgY, double sx, double sy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Pareil que Element.scale(double ptOrgX, double ptOrgY, double sx, double sy) sauf que dans le cas d'une dilatation non conforme — c'est à dire ne conservant pas les proportions —, et d'une forme supposée à proportions contraintes (comme par exemple PicCircleFrom3Points) on demande, sauf préférences utilisateurs contraires, son avis à l'utilisateur.
 void BranchElement.scale(double ptOrgX, double ptOrgY, double sx, double sy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Scale children by (sx,sy) using (ptOrgX,ptOrgY) as origin; sx or sy can be negative.
 void AbstractCurve.scale(double ptOrgX, double ptOrgY, double sx, double sy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Scale this object by (sx,sy) using (ptOrgX,ptOrgY) as the origin.
 void Element.scale(PicPoint ptOrg, double sx, double sy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
 void AbstractElement.scale(PicPoint ptOrg, double sx, double sy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Dilate cet élément par (sx,sy) en utilisant ptOrg comme origine ; sx ou sy peuvent être négatifs.
 void PicText.shear(PicPoint ptOrg, double shx, double shy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Shear this Element by the given params wrt to the given origin
 void PicSmoothPolygon.shear(PicPoint ptOrg, double shx, double shy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Shear this Element by the given params wrt to the given origin
 void PicPsCurve.shear(PicPoint ptOrg, double shx, double shy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Shear this Element by the given params wrt to the given origin
 void PicParallelogram.shear(PicPoint ptOrg, double shx, double shy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Shear this Element by the given params wrt to the given origin.
 void PicNodeConnection.shear(PicPoint ptOrg, double shx, double shy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Shear this Element by the given params wrt to the given origin
 void PicEllipse.shear(PicPoint ptOrg, double shx, double shy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Shear this Element by the given params wrt to the given origin.
 void PicCircleFrom3Points.shear(PicPoint ptOrg, double shx, double shy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Shear this Element by the given params wrt to the given origin
 void Element.shear(PicPoint ptOrg, double shx, double shy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Pareil que Element.shear(PicPoint ptOrg, double shx, double shy) sauf que dans le cas d'une dilatation non conforme — c'est à dire ne conservant pas les proportions —, et d'une forme supposée à proportions contraintes (comme par exemple PicCircleFrom3Points) on demande, sauf préférences utilisateurs contraires, son avis à l'utilisateur.
 void BranchElement.shear(PicPoint ptOrg, double shx, double shy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Shear this Element by the given params wrt to the given origin.
 void AbstractCurve.shear(PicPoint ptOrg, double shx, double shy, UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Shear this Element by the given params wrt to the given origin This method does not fire any change event.

Uses of UserConfirmationCache in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Fields in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit declared as UserConfirmationCache
protected  UserConfirmationCache SelectionTool.ucc
protected  UserConfirmationCache AbstractMouseTransformFactory.ucc

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return UserConfirmationCache
 UserConfirmationCache BasicEditPointConstraint.getUserConfirmationCache()

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type UserConfirmationCache
 void MouseTransformFactory.init(UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          called when the associated SelectionTool is being activated in the hosting EditorKit.
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.init(UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          called when the associated SelectionTool is being activated in the hosting EditorKit.
 void AbstractMouseTransformFactory.init(UserConfirmationCache ucc)
          Called when the associated SelectionTool is being activated in the hosting EditorKit.
 void BasicEditPointConstraint.setUserConfirmationCache(UserConfirmationCache userConfirmationCache)

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type UserConfirmationCache
BasicEditPointConstraint(UserConfirmationCache userConfirmationCache)
BasicEditPointConstraint(UserConfirmationCache userConfirmationCache, EditPointConstraint.EditConstraint editConstraint)

Uses of UserConfirmationCache in jpicedt.ui.dialog

Fields in jpicedt.ui.dialog declared as UserConfirmationCache
static UserConfirmationCache UserConfirmationCache.DEFAULT
          Une UserConfirmationCache qui dit tout le temps non.

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