Uses of Interface

Packages that use HitInfo
jpicedt.graphic.event Various events used for the communication between model, view and controler, as well as to notify external receivers of changes in the document structure, appearance,…
jpicedt.graphic.model Document structure and graphic primitives. 
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)
jpicedt.graphic.view Document appearance. 
jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter Aspect visuel de la mise en vedette. 
jpicedt.ui.internal Implementation of MDIManager and related using JInternalFrame's. 

Uses of HitInfo in jpicedt.graphic.event

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.event that return HitInfo
 HitInfo EditorKitEvent.getHitInfo()
          Return the HitInfo associated with the mouse-event

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.event with parameters of type HitInfo
EditorKitEvent(EditorKit source, EditorKitEvent.EventType type, HitInfo hitInfo)
          contruct a new EditorKitEvent.

Uses of HitInfo in jpicedt.graphic.model

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.model with parameters of type HitInfo
 ArrayList<PEAction> PicSmoothPolygon.createActions(ActionDispatcher actionDispatcher, ActionLocalizer localizer, HitInfo hi)
          Create an array of Action's related to this object
 ArrayList<PEAction> PicPsCurve.createActions(ActionDispatcher actionDispatcher, ActionLocalizer localizer, HitInfo hi)
          Create an array of Action's related to this object
 ArrayList<PEAction> PicParallelogram.createActions(ActionDispatcher actionDispatcher, ActionLocalizer localizer, HitInfo hi)
          Create an array of Action's related to this object
 ArrayList<PEAction> PicMultiCurve.createActions(ActionDispatcher actionDispatcher, ActionLocalizer localizer, HitInfo hi)
          Create an array of Action's related to this object
 ArrayList<PEAction> PicGroup.createActions(ActionDispatcher actionDispatcher, ActionLocalizer localizer, HitInfo hi)
          Creates an array of Action's related to this object.
 ArrayList<PEAction> PicCircleFrom3Points.createActions(ActionDispatcher actionDispatcher, ActionLocalizer localizer, HitInfo hi)
          Create an array of Action's related to this object
 ArrayList<PEAction> Drawing.BoundingBox.createActions(ActionDispatcher actionDispatcher, ActionLocalizer localizer, HitInfo hi)
 ArrayList<PEAction> AbstractElement.createActions(ActionDispatcher actionDispatcher, ActionLocalizer localizer, HitInfo hi)
          Creates an array of Action's related to this object
 ArrayList<PEAction> AbstractCurve.createActions(ActionDispatcher actionDispatcher, ActionLocalizer localizer, HitInfo hi)
          Creates an array of Action's related to this object

Uses of HitInfo in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return HitInfo
 HitInfo DefaultSelectionHandler.hitTest(PEMouseEvent me)
          hitTest on the content of the selection only

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type HitInfo
 ArrayList<PEAction> ActionFactory.createActions(ActionDispatcher actionDispatcher, ActionLocalizer localizer, HitInfo hi)
          Crée une liste de PEAction's en relation à un Element
 JPopupMenu PopupMenuFactory.createPopupMenu(PECanvas board, HitInfo hi)

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type HitInfo
EditElementMouseTransformFactory.SelectElementsDialogTransform(HitInfo hi)

Uses of HitInfo in jpicedt.graphic.view

Classes in jpicedt.graphic.view that implement HitInfo
static class HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo
static class HitInfo.Composite
          Represent a particular type of Hit that occured on a child of a branch-element, when one whants to specify both the element and its child.
static class HitInfo.EnvelopeStroke
          Deprecated. use HighlighterStroke instead
static class HitInfo.HighlighterStroke
          Represent a hit that occured on the stroke of a highlighter (eg tangents of a PicSmoothPolygon).
static class HitInfo.Interior
          Represent a hit that occured on the interior of a Element
static class HitInfo.List
          A collection of HitInfo's that are appropriate when a mouse-event hits several Element's at once.
static class HitInfo.Point
          Represent a hit that occured on one or several Element's control-points, the latter case occuring necessarily iff some control-points are identical.
static class HitInfo.Stroke
          Represent a Hit that occured on an Element.
static class HitInfo.Text
          Represent a Hit that occured on some interior area of a TextEditable.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view that return HitInfo
 HitInfo TextViewHybrid.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          This implementation calls super.hitTest and returns the result if non-null (this should be a HitInfo.Point), then returns a HitInfo.Interior if the mouse-click occured inside the text bound (as defined by text layout)
 HitInfo TextView.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          This implementation calls super.hitTest and returns the result if non-null (this should be a HitInfo.Point), then returns a HitInfo.Interior if the mouse-click occured inside the text bound (as defined by text layout)
 HitInfo LeafElementView.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          This implementation returns a HitInfo.Interior if the view is filled and a click occured on the interior, or a HitInfo.Stroke if a click occured on the stroke path (this use a FlatteningPathIterator built from the currentshape).
 HitInfo CompositeView.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
protected abstract  HitInfo AbstractView.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          Returns a HitInfo corresponding to the given mouse-event.
 HitInfo View.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e, boolean isHighlightVisible)
          Returns a HitInfo corresponding to the given mouse-event
 HitInfo AbstractView.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e, boolean isHighlightVisible)
          Depending on the value of isHighlighVisible, current implementation first delegates to the hosted Highlighter's hitTest() method, then calls hitTest(PEMouseEvent).

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view with parameters of type HitInfo
 HitInfo.List HitInfo.append(HitInfo hi)
 HitInfo.List HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo.append(HitInfo hi)
 HitInfo.List HitInfo.List.append(HitInfo hi)
          Append the given HitInfo to this List.
 int hi1, HitInfo hi2)

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.view with parameters of type HitInfo
HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo(HitInfo hi)
          Cloning constructor
HitInfo.List(HitInfo hi)

Uses of HitInfo in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter that return HitInfo
 HitInfo Highlighter.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          Returns a HitInfo corresponding to the given mouse-event on this Highlighter.
 HitInfo DefaultHighlighter.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          Current implementation returns a HitInfo.Point if a click occured on one of the controlled-point indices returned by getControlPointsIterator(); null otherwise.
 HitInfo CompositeHighlighter.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          Returns a HitInfo corresponding to the given mouse-event.

Uses of HitInfo in jpicedt.ui.internal

Methods in jpicedt.ui.internal with parameters of type HitInfo
 JPopupMenu PEPopupMenuFactory.createPopupMenu(PECanvas board, HitInfo hi)

Constructors in jpicedt.ui.internal with parameters of type HitInfo
PEPopupMenuFactory.PopupMenu(PECanvas canvas, HitInfo hi)

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