Class MouseTool

  extended by java.awt.event.KeyAdapter
      extended by jpicedt.graphic.toolkit.MouseTool
All Implemented Interfaces:
KeyListener, EventListener, PEMouseInputListener
Direct Known Subclasses:
ConvexeZoneTool, ConvexZoneTool, DrawToolFactory.AbstractCurveDrawTool, DrawToolFactory.GenericDrawTool, DrawToolFactory.TextDrawTool, MirrorTool, MoveTool, RotateTool, ScaleTool, SelectionTool, ZoomTool

public abstract class MouseTool
extends KeyAdapter
implements PEMouseInputListener

An implementation of PEMouseInputListener that factors common behaviour for EditorKit's mouse tools, and implements KeyListener so that mouse-tools can also listen to key events (e.g. to update cursor,…)

This implementation offers a convenient mechanism for generating MouseMoved events as a result of a KeyPressed/KeyReleased event. If this behaviour is to be preserved, subclassers should either call super.mouseXXX() before all in their own implementation of the corresponding methods, or alternately simply add the following line of code: lastMouseEvent=e, where e denotes the mouse-event parameter.

Besides, this class provide a "paint" method which, like Element's, allows the tool to draw shapes (on the associated PECanvas) that are specific to this tool.

jPicEdt 1.3.2
$Id:,v 1.18 2013/03/27 06:57:26 vincentb1 Exp $
Sylvain Reynal

Nested Class Summary
static class MouseTool.MouseToolType
Field Summary
protected static PEMouseEvent lastMouseEvent
          this field remembers the last mouse-event produced by a call to one of the mouseXXX methods shared by every MouseTool
protected  boolean mouseOutside
          this flag is set to true/false whenever a mouseExited/Entered event is caught.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void flush()
          called when this tool is being replaced by another mouse-tool in the hosting editor kit ; this is mainly for mousetools using more than one sequence, for it gives them a chance to clean themselves up for the next time
 PEMouseEvent getLastMouseEvent()
          Returns the last mouse-event as produced by the last invokation of a mouseXXX method
 void init()
          called when this tool is being activated in the hosting editor kit ; this is mainly for mousetools that need to do some initialization work before any mouse-event occurs.
 void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke)
          Triggers a fake "mouseMoved" event when a key is pressed.
 void keyReleased(KeyEvent ke)
          Triggers a fake "mouseMoved" event when a key is released.
 void mouseClicked(PEMouseEvent e)
          this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field
 void mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
          this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field
 void mouseEntered(PEMouseEvent e)
          Sets the mouseOutside flag to true, stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field, and request focus on the PECanvas that dispatched this mouse event.
 void mouseExited(PEMouseEvent e)
          Sets the mouseOutside flag to false, and stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field.
 void mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
          this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field
 void mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
          this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field
 void mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
          this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field
 void paint(Graphics2D g, Rectangle2D allocation, double scale)
          Allow the tool to paint shapes that are specific to this tool.
protected  void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent ke, boolean pressed)
          Triggers a fake "mouseMoved" event if a key is pressed or released, with the adequate key modifiers ; this is a "lazy" handling of key-events which delegates to the mouse-handler.
Methods inherited from class java.awt.event.KeyAdapter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean mouseOutside
this flag is set to true/false whenever a mouseExited/Entered event is caught.
For instance, it may be used by subclasses to trigger an autoscrolling operation.


protected static PEMouseEvent lastMouseEvent
this field remembers the last mouse-event produced by a call to one of the mouseXXX methods shared by every MouseTool

Constructor Detail


public MouseTool()
Method Detail


public void mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field

Specified by:
mousePressed in interface PEMouseInputListener


public void mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field

Specified by:
mouseReleased in interface PEMouseInputListener


public void mouseClicked(PEMouseEvent e)
this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field

Specified by:
mouseClicked in interface PEMouseInputListener


public void mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field

Specified by:
mouseMoved in interface PEMouseInputListener


public void mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field

Specified by:
mouseDragged in interface PEMouseInputListener


public PEMouseEvent getLastMouseEvent()
Returns the last mouse-event as produced by the last invokation of a mouseXXX method


public void mouseEntered(PEMouseEvent e)
Sets the mouseOutside flag to true, stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field, and request focus on the PECanvas that dispatched this mouse event.

Specified by:
mouseEntered in interface PEMouseInputListener


public void mouseExited(PEMouseEvent e)
Sets the mouseOutside flag to false, and stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field.

Specified by:
mouseExited in interface PEMouseInputListener


public void paint(Graphics2D g,
                  Rectangle2D allocation,
                  double scale)
Allow the tool to paint shapes that are specific to this tool. This method is called by the hosting EditorKit.
For instance, this method may paint selection areas, markers, … Current implementation does nothing.


public void init()
called when this tool is being activated in the hosting editor kit ; this is mainly for mousetools that need to do some initialization work before any mouse-event occurs.


public void flush()
called when this tool is being replaced by another mouse-tool in the hosting editor kit ; this is mainly for mousetools using more than one sequence, for it gives them a chance to clean themselves up for the next time


public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke)
Triggers a fake "mouseMoved" event when a key is pressed. Current implementation merely calls processKeyEvent(java.awt.event.KeyEvent, boolean).

Specified by:
keyPressed in interface KeyListener
keyPressed in class KeyAdapter


public void keyReleased(KeyEvent ke)
Triggers a fake "mouseMoved" event when a key is released. Current implementation merely calls processKeyEvent(java.awt.event.KeyEvent, boolean).

Specified by:
keyReleased in interface KeyListener
keyReleased in class KeyAdapter


protected void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent ke,
                               boolean pressed)
Triggers a fake "mouseMoved" event if a key is pressed or released, with the adequate key modifiers ; this is a "lazy" handling of key-events which delegates to the mouse-handler. The goal is e.g. to allow the receiver to update things as cursor's shape/help-message/… when a key is pressed.

pressed - if TRUE, process a keyPressed event, else process a keyReleased

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