Uses of Class

Packages that use MouseTool
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)

Uses of MouseTool in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Subclasses of MouseTool in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit
 class ConvexeZoneTool
 class ConvexZoneSelectionTool
 class ConvexZoneTool
 class ConvexZoneToolFactory.BandShapedConvexZoneTool
protected  class ConvexZoneToolFactory.ConvexZoneToolBase
 class ConvexZoneToolFactory.ExtensibleConvexZoneTool
protected  class ConvexZoneToolFactory.GenericConvexZoneTool
          Un outil de création de zone convexe
 class ConvexZoneToolFactory.HalfPlaneConvexZoneTool
 class ConvexZoneToolFactory.RectangleConvexZoneTool
 class ConvexZoneToolFactory.UShapedConvexZoneTool
protected  class DrawToolFactory.AbstractCurveDrawTool
          a MouseTool suited for drawing any element inheriting from AbstractCurve.
protected  class DrawToolFactory.GenericDrawTool
          A MouseTool aimed at drawing new Elements.
protected  class DrawToolFactory.TextDrawTool
          A tool used to place PicText's ; it opens a dialog box for editing text content.
 class ElementSelectionTool
 class InConvexZoneTranslateTool
 class InConvexZoneTrimTool
 class MirrorTool
          Un MouseTool utilisé pour effectuer une réflection sur un Element cible en utilisant un point origine ptOrg par lequel passe l'axe de réflection, et un point extrémité ptEnd tel que le vecteur allant de ptOrg à ptEnd soit normal à l'axe de réflection Séquence des opérations à la souris: mousePressed → place l'origine ptOrg mouseDragged → place l'extrémité ptEnd en dessinant le vecteur correspondant.
 class MoveTool
          A MouseTool used to translate a target Element by a given vector.
 class RotateTool
          A MouseTool used to rotate a target Element using a origin point and a mobile point used to compute the rotation angle.
 class ScaleTool
          A MouseTool used to scale a target Element using a source and a destination vector.
 class SelectionTool
          This generic mouse-tool is dedicated to applying MouseTransform's to elements of a Drawing, following a uniform sequence of mouse-events.
 class ZoomTool
          A mouse tool for EditorKit, which allows to zoom in and out while retaining the current scene at the center of the drawing sheet.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return MouseTool
 MouseTool DrawToolFactory.createDrawTool(String type)
          Returns a MouseTool of the given type.
 MouseTool EditorKit.getCurrentMouseTool()

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return types with arguments of type MouseTool
 Collection<MouseTool> EditorKit.getRegisteredMouseTools()

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type MouseTool
 void EditorKit.registerMouseTool(String key, MouseTool mt)
          Registers the given mouse-tool by associating it with the given key in the hashtable of available mouse-tools.

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