Uses of Interface

Packages that use CustomizerFactory
jpicedt.graphic.model Document structure and graphic primitives. 
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)

Uses of CustomizerFactory in jpicedt.graphic.model

Classes in jpicedt.graphic.model that implement CustomizerFactory
 class Drawing.BoundingBox
 class PicCircleFrom3Points
          A class implementing either a circle or an arc, whose geometry is specified by a PicEllipse, yet is further controllable by three additional points: this may either be a plain circle going through these three points, or an arc going from P_1 to P_3 through P_2, in which case a pie or a chord may be added as well.
 class PicEllipse
          Ellipse ou arc, basé sur un parallélogramme.
 class PicGroup
          A concrete implementation of BranchElement that is suited for building groups of elements.
 class PicMultiCurve
          PicMultiCurve is basically an AbstractCurve where each subdivision point has additionnal features regarding 2nd-order smoothness and symmetry.
 class PicParallelogram
          A class implementing a parallelogram.
 class PicPsCurve
           A multicurve, either closed or not, going through a set of control points.
 class PicSmoothPolygon
          A multicurve, either closed or not, the geometry of which is specified using a polygon, in such a way that the curve snakes "smoothly" along the polygon.
 class PicText
          Textual elements, possibly surrounded by a box (currently, only rectangular, oval and circular shapes are supported).

Uses of CustomizerFactory in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Classes in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that implement CustomizerFactory
 class DefaultSelectionHandler
          Stores references to selected Element's.

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