Uses of Class

Packages that use PEMouseEvent
jpicedt.graphic.event Various events used for the communication between model, view and controler, as well as to notify external receivers of changes in the document structure, appearance,…
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)
jpicedt.graphic.view Document appearance. 
jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter Aspect visuel de la mise en vedette. 
jpicedt.ui Some classes and interfaces that help building concrete implementation of MDIManager's. 
jpicedt.ui.internal Implementation of MDIManager and related using JInternalFrame's. 

Uses of PEMouseEvent in jpicedt.graphic.event

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.event with parameters of type PEMouseEvent
 void PEMouseInputListener.mouseClicked(PEMouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on a component.
 void PEMouseInputAdapter.mouseClicked(PEMouseEvent e)
 void PEEventMulticaster.mouseClicked(PEMouseEvent e)
          Handles a mouseClicked event by invoking the mouseClicked methods on listener-a and listener-b.
 void PEMouseInputListener.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on a component and then dragged.
 void PEMouseInputAdapter.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
 void PEEventMulticaster.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
          Handles the mouseDragged event by invoking the mouseDragged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
 void PEMouseInputListener.mouseEntered(PEMouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse enters a component.
 void PEMouseInputAdapter.mouseEntered(PEMouseEvent e)
 void PEEventMulticaster.mouseEntered(PEMouseEvent e)
          Handles the mouseEntered event by invoking the mouseEntered methods on listener-a and listener-b.
 void PEMouseInputListener.mouseExited(PEMouseEvent e)
          nvoked when the mouse exits a component.
 void PEMouseInputAdapter.mouseExited(PEMouseEvent e)
 void PEEventMulticaster.mouseExited(PEMouseEvent e)
          Handles the mouseExited event by invoking the mouseExited methods on listener-a and listener-b.
 void PEMouseInputListener.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
          Invoked when the mouse button has been moved on a component (with no buttons down).
 void PEMouseInputAdapter.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
 void PEEventMulticaster.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
          Handles the mouseMoved event by invoking the mouseMoved methods on listener-a and listener-b.
 void PEMouseInputListener.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
 void PEMouseInputAdapter.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
 void PEEventMulticaster.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
          Handles the mousePressed event by invoking the mousePressed methods on listener-a and listener-b.
 void PEMouseInputListener.mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
          Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
 void PEMouseInputAdapter.mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
 void PEEventMulticaster.mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
          Handles the mouseReleased event by invoking the mouseReleased methods on listener-a and listener-b.

Uses of PEMouseEvent in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Fields in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit declared as PEMouseEvent
protected static PEMouseEvent MouseTool.lastMouseEvent
          this field remembers the last mouse-event produced by a call to one of the mouseXXX methods shared by every MouseTool

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return PEMouseEvent
 PEMouseEvent MouseTool.getLastMouseEvent()
          Returns the last mouse-event as produced by the last invokation of a mouseXXX method
 PEMouseEvent ConvexZoneHitInfo.getMouseEvent()
 PEMouseEvent ConvexZoneHitInfo.CZHitInfo.getMouseEvent()
 PEMouseEvent ConvexZoneHitInfo.List.getMouseEvent()

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type PEMouseEvent
 MouseTransform MouseTransformFactory.createMouseTransform(PEMouseEvent e)
          Return a MouseTransform whose type is adequate with the given mouse-event.
 MouseTransform EditPointMouseTransformFactory.createMouseTransform(PEMouseEvent e)
          Return a MouseTransform whose type is adequate with the given mouse-event.
 MouseTransform EditElementMouseTransformFactory.createMouseTransform(PEMouseEvent e)
          Return a MouseTransform whose type is adequate with the given mouse-event.
 MouseTransform EditConvexZoneMouseTransformFactory.createMouseTransform(PEMouseEvent e)
          Return a MouseTransform whose type is adequate with the given mouse-event.
 JPopupMenu PopupMenuFactory.createPopupMenu(PECanvas board, PEMouseEvent e)
          Méthode à appeler lorsque aucun élément ou aucune zone convexe ne sont touchés.
protected  void ConvexZoneToolFactory.ConvexZoneToolBase.doMouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
 HitInfo DefaultSelectionHandler.hitTest(PEMouseEvent me)
          hitTest on the content of the selection only
 ConvexZoneHitInfo DefaultConvexZoneSelectionHandler.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e, boolean isHighlightVisible)
 ConvexZoneHitInfo ConvexZoneSet.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e, boolean selectedZones)
 ConvexZoneHitInfo ConvexZone.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e, boolean isHighlightVisible)
          Describe hitTest method here.
 void MouseTool.mouseClicked(PEMouseEvent e)
          this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field
 void SelectionTool.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
          Invoke "process" on the current MouseTransform (if non-null).
 void ScaleTool.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
 void RotateTool.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
 void MoveTool.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
          Set the 2nd pt of the translation vector and translate the target.
 void MouseTool.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
          this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field
 void MirrorTool.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
 void InConvexZoneTranslateTool.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
 void DrawToolFactory.GenericDrawTool.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
          set current point
 void DrawToolFactory.AbstractCurveDrawTool.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
          set the current point
 void DrawToolFactory.TextDrawTool.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
          do nothing
 void ConvexZoneToolFactory.ConvexZoneToolBase.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
          set current point
 void MouseTool.mouseEntered(PEMouseEvent e)
          Sets the mouseOutside flag to true, stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field, and request focus on the PECanvas that dispatched this mouse event.
 void MouseTool.mouseExited(PEMouseEvent e)
          Sets the mouseOutside flag to false, and stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field.
 void ZoomTool.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
          set cursor
 void SelectionTool.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
          Invoke "process" on the current MouseTransform (if non-null).
 void ScaleTool.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
 void RotateTool.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
 void MoveTool.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
          set the cursor
 void MouseTool.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
          this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field
 void MirrorTool.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
 void InConvexZoneTranslateTool.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
 void DrawToolFactory.GenericDrawTool.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
          set cursor for canvas, then call mouseDragged
 void DrawToolFactory.AbstractCurveDrawTool.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
          set cursor for canvas, then call mouseDragged
 void DrawToolFactory.TextDrawTool.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
          set cursor for canvas, then call mouseDragged
 void ConvexZoneToolFactory.ConvexZoneToolBase.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
          set cursor for canvas, then call mouseDragged
 void ZoomTool.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
          Depending on the button and the modifiers, we increase or decrease zoom, or do nothing.
 void SelectionTool.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
           clic droit souris (déclencheur de menu contextuel) → déroule le menu contextuel.
 void ScaleTool.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
          set the source rect, then the destination rect
 void RotateTool.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
          set the source rect, then the destination rect
 void MoveTool.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
          Set the first point of the translation vector.
 void MouseTool.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
          this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field
 void MirrorTool.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
          La méthode mousePressed place le point origine ptOrg , puis confirme la réflection.
 void InConvexZoneTranslateTool.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
 void DrawToolFactory.GenericDrawTool.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
          A popup-trigger mouse event (e.g. a right click on Unix/Windows) : switches back to SELECT_MODE if the task-iterator is completed or cancels the current task if the task-iterator is underway.
 void DrawToolFactory.AbstractCurveDrawTool.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
          A popup-trigger mouse event (e.g. a right click on Unix/Windows): switches back to SELECT_MODE if the iterator is completed or terminates the drawing process.
 void DrawToolFactory.TextDrawTool.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
          A popup-trigger mouse event (e.g. a right click on Unix/Windows): switches back to SELECT_MODE if the task-iterator is completed or cancels the current task if the task-iterator is underway.
 void ConvexZoneToolFactory.GenericConvexZoneTool.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
 void ConvexZoneToolFactory.ConvexZoneToolBase.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
 void SelectionTool.mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
          Invokes "next()" on the current MouseTransform if non-null.
 void ScaleTool.mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
 void RotateTool.mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
 void MoveTool.mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
 void MouseTool.mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
          this default implementation simply stores the given mouse-event in lastMouseEvent field
 void MirrorTool.mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
 void InConvexZoneTranslateTool.mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
 void DrawToolFactory.AbstractCurveDrawTool.mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)
          CLOSED curve only : add a new point by splitting last segment
 boolean e)
          Called when the left mouse-button changes state.
 boolean e)
          Called when the mouse is released.
 boolean e)
 boolean e)
          Called when the mouse is released.
 boolean e)
          Called when the mouse is released.
 boolean e)
          Called when the mouse is released.
 boolean e)
 boolean e)
 boolean e)
          Called when the mouse is released.
 boolean e)
          Called when the mouse is released.
 boolean e)
 boolean e)
 boolean e)
          Called when the mouse is released.
 boolean e)
          Called when the mouse is released.
 boolean e)
 boolean e)
 boolean e)
          Called when the mouse is released.
 boolean e)
          Called when the mouse is released
 boolean e)
          Called when the mouse is released
 boolean e)
          Called when the mouse is released.
 boolean e)
          Called by mouseReleased.
 void MouseTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is dragged/moved after the first mouse-pressed event.
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.UnSelectPointTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.SplitSegmentTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is dragged.
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.RemovePointTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is dragged.
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.EditSmoothCoeffTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is dragged.
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.SelectElementTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
 void EditElementMouseTransformFactory.UnselectTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
 void EditElementMouseTransformFactory._MoveControlPointTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is dragged.
 void EditElementMouseTransformFactory.MoveControlPointTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is dragged.
 void EditElementMouseTransformFactory._MoveElementTransform.process(PEMouseEvent me)
          Called when the mouse is dragged.
 void EditElementMouseTransformFactory.MoveElementTransform.process(PEMouseEvent me)
          Called when the mouse is dragged.
 void EditElementMouseTransformFactory.SelectElementsDialogTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is dragged.
 void EditConvexZoneMouseTransformFactory.UnselectTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
 void EditConvexZoneMouseTransformFactory.MoveConvexZoneTransform.process(PEMouseEvent me)
          Called when the mouse is dragged.
 void AbstractMouseTransformFactory.InvalidMouseTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is dragged.
 void AbstractMouseTransformFactory.HelpMessageMouseTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is dragged.
 void AbstractMouseTransformFactory.SelectAreaTransform.process(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is dragged.
 void DrawToolFactory.GenericDrawTool.setCurrentPoint(PEMouseEvent e)
          move the points indexed in drawPoints[currentTaskIndex] to the current click-point (possibly after grid alignment).
 void ConvexZoneToolFactory.ConvexZoneToolBase.setCurrentPoint(PEMouseEvent e)
          move the points indexed in drawPoints[currentTaskIndex] to the current click-point (possibly after grid alignment).
 void MouseTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is pressed.
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.SelectPointsInAreaTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          called by mousePressed
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.UnSelectPointTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          called by mousePressed
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.SplitSegmentTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is pressed for the first time.
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.RemovePointTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is pressed.
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.EditSmoothCoeffTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is pressed.
 void EditPointMouseTransformFactory.SelectElementTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
 void EditElementMouseTransformFactory.UnselectTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
 void EditElementMouseTransformFactory.MoveControlPointTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is pressed.
 void EditElementMouseTransformFactory._MoveElementTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is pressed.
 void EditElementMouseTransformFactory.MoveElementTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is pressed.
 void EditElementMouseTransformFactory.SelectElementsInAreaTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          called by mousePressed
 void EditElementMouseTransformFactory.SelectElementsDialogTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          called by mousePressed
 void EditConvexZoneMouseTransformFactory.UnselectTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
 void EditConvexZoneMouseTransformFactory.MoveConvexZoneTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is pressed.
 void EditConvexZoneMouseTransformFactory.SelectConvexZonesInAreaTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          called by mousePressed
 void AbstractMouseTransformFactory.InvalidMouseTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is pressed.
 void AbstractMouseTransformFactory.HelpMessageMouseTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called when the mouse is pressed.
 void AbstractMouseTransformFactory.SelectAreaTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          Invoked by mousePressed().
 void AbstractMouseTransform.start(PEMouseEvent e)
          Called by mousePressed.

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type PEMouseEvent
ConvexZoneHitInfo.CZHitInfo(ConvexZone target, PEMouseEvent e)
ConvexZoneHitInfo.Stroke(ConvexZone clicked, int clickedSegment, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          construct a new HitInfo.Stroke that occured on the stroke of the given Element

Uses of PEMouseEvent in jpicedt.graphic.view

Fields in jpicedt.graphic.view declared as PEMouseEvent
protected  PEMouseEvent HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo.mouseEvent

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view that return PEMouseEvent
 PEMouseEvent HitInfo.getMouseEvent()
 PEMouseEvent HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo.getMouseEvent()
author: Sylvain Reynal
 PEMouseEvent HitInfo.List.getMouseEvent()

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view with parameters of type PEMouseEvent
 HitInfo TextViewHybrid.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          This implementation calls super.hitTest and returns the result if non-null (this should be a HitInfo.Point), then returns a HitInfo.Interior if the mouse-click occured inside the text bound (as defined by text layout)
 HitInfo TextView.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          This implementation calls super.hitTest and returns the result if non-null (this should be a HitInfo.Point), then returns a HitInfo.Interior if the mouse-click occured inside the text bound (as defined by text layout)
 HitInfo LeafElementView.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          This implementation returns a HitInfo.Interior if the view is filled and a click occured on the interior, or a HitInfo.Stroke if a click occured on the stroke path (this use a FlatteningPathIterator built from the currentshape).
 HitInfo CompositeView.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
protected abstract  HitInfo AbstractView.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          Returns a HitInfo corresponding to the given mouse-event.
 HitInfo View.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e, boolean isHighlightVisible)
          Returns a HitInfo corresponding to the given mouse-event
 HitInfo AbstractView.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e, boolean isHighlightVisible)
          Depending on the value of isHighlighVisible, current implementation first delegates to the hosted Highlighter's hitTest() method, then calls hitTest(PEMouseEvent).

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.view with parameters of type PEMouseEvent
HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo(Element clickedObject, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          Construct a new HitInfo when a click occured on an object's end-point
author: Sylvain Reynal
HitInfo.Composite(BranchElement clicked, int clickedChildIndex, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          construct a new HitInfo.Point that occured in the given BranchElement, on the child with the given index.
HitInfo.EnvelopeStroke(Element clicked, int clickedSegment, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
HitInfo.HighlighterStroke(Element clicked, int clickedSegment, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
HitInfo.Interior(Element clickedObject, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          construct a new HitInfo.Interior that occured on the given Element
HitInfo.Point(Element clickedObject, ArrayList<Integer> pointIndices, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          construct a new HitInfo.Point that occured on the given Element and on the given points simultaneously.
HitInfo.Point(Element clickedObject, int pointIndex, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          construct a new HitInfo.Point that occured on the given Element and on the given point index
HitInfo.Stroke(Element clicked, int clickedSegment, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          construct a new HitInfo.Stroke that occured on the stroke of the given Element
HitInfo.Text(TextEditable clickedObject, TextHitInfo thi, PEMouseEvent mouseEvent)
          construct a new HitInfo.Text that occured on the given TextEditable, fetching useful information from the given TextHitInfo.

Uses of PEMouseEvent in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.view.highlighter with parameters of type PEMouseEvent
 HitInfo Highlighter.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          Returns a HitInfo corresponding to the given mouse-event on this Highlighter.
 HitInfo DefaultHighlighter.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          Current implementation returns a HitInfo.Point if a click occured on one of the controlled-point indices returned by getControlPointsIterator(); null otherwise.
 HitInfo CompositeHighlighter.hitTest(PEMouseEvent e)
          Returns a HitInfo corresponding to the given mouse-event.

Uses of PEMouseEvent in jpicedt.ui

Methods in jpicedt.ui with parameters of type PEMouseEvent
 void PEDrawingBoard.StatusBar.mouseClicked(PEMouseEvent e)
 void PEDrawingBoard.StatusBar.mouseDragged(PEMouseEvent e)
          display mouse coords
 void PEDrawingBoard.StatusBar.mouseEntered(PEMouseEvent e)
 void PEDrawingBoard.StatusBar.mouseExited(PEMouseEvent e)
 void PEDrawingBoard.StatusBar.mouseMoved(PEMouseEvent e)
          Display mouse coords.
 void PEDrawingBoard.StatusBar.mousePressed(PEMouseEvent e)
 void PEDrawingBoard.StatusBar.mouseReleased(PEMouseEvent e)

Uses of PEMouseEvent in jpicedt.ui.internal

Methods in jpicedt.ui.internal with parameters of type PEMouseEvent
 JPopupMenu PEPopupMenuFactory.createPopupMenu(PECanvas board, PEMouseEvent e)

Constructors in jpicedt.ui.internal with parameters of type PEMouseEvent
PEPopupMenuFactory.PopupMenu(PECanvas canvas, PEMouseEvent e)

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