Uses of Class

Packages that use REParserException
jpicedt.format.input.latex Parser grammar for the LaTeX picture environment format. 
jpicedt.format.input.pstricks Pstricks grammar tree. 
jpicedt.format.input.util This package contains helper classes for building a parser based on the well-known RegExp scheme, yet with a strong object-oriented approach in mind. 

Uses of REParserException in jpicedt.format.input

Methods in jpicedt.format.input that throw REParserException
 Drawing DefaultParser.parse(Reader reader)
          pour compatibilité ascendante.
 void DefaultParser.parse(Reader reader, ParsedDrawing parsedDrawing)
          kicks off the parsing process

Uses of REParserException in jpicedt.format.input.latex

Methods in jpicedt.format.input.latex that throw REParserException
 void EndPictureExpression.action(ParserEvent e)
 boolean PicEndExpression.interpret(Context context)

Uses of REParserException in jpicedt.format.input.pstricks

Methods in jpicedt.format.input.pstricks that throw REParserException
 void PSTInstanciationExpression.action(ParserEvent e)
 void EndPsPictureExpression.action(ParserEvent e)
 boolean PSTFillStyleExpression.interpret(Context context)
 boolean PSTDotStyleExpression.interpret(Context context)
 boolean PsObjectExpression.interpret(Context context)

Uses of REParserException in jpicedt.format.input.util

Subclasses of REParserException in jpicedt.format.input.util
static class REParserException.BeginGroupMismatch
          a "begin group" has no matching "end group"
static class REParserException.BlockMismatch
          a closing delimiter has no matching opening delimiter (see EnclosingExpression)
static class REParserException.EndGroupMismatch
          a "end group" has no matching "begin group"
static class REParserException.EndOfPicture
          the end of the picture environment was encoutered.
static class REParserException.EndOfPictureNotFound
          the end of the picture environment wasn't found in the current Reader.
static class REParserException.EOF
          the end of the file (or the underlying Reader) was reached abnormally, e.g. in the course of a AbstractRegularExpression.interpret() operation.
static class REParserException.IncompleteSequence
          signals an incomplete SequenceExpression
static class REParserException.NotFoundInFile
          a mandatory expression wasn't found
static class REParserException.NumberFormat
          aka NumberFormatException
static class REParserException.NumberSign
          signals an error concerning the sign of a number (see NumericalExpression)
static class REParserException.SyntaxError
          a syntax error has occured ; should be used as a last resort, when no specific exception message applies.

Methods in jpicedt.format.input.util that throw REParserException
 void AbstractRegularExpression.action(ParserEvent e)
          Called in the course of the interpret operation at the end of a SUCCESSFUL interpret operation.
 boolean WordExpression.interpret(Context context)
          If parsing was successfull, sends a ParserEvent with value=string found (this may be an empty string) You may then use Context.removeLineFeeds(String) to remove CR from "value".
 boolean WildCharExpression.interpret(Context context)
 boolean StatementExpression.interpret(Context c)
 boolean SequenceExpression.interpret(Context c)
 boolean RepeatExpression.interpret(Context c)
 boolean RegExExpression.interpret(Context context)
 boolean PicPointExpression.interpret(Context c)
 boolean OptionalExpression.interpret(Context c)
 boolean NumericalExpression.interpret(Context context)
 boolean LiteralExpression.interpret(Context c)
 boolean EnclosingExpression.interpret(Context context)
          Call action() with value=enclosed string
 boolean AlternateExpression.interpret(Context c)
          Calls "action" with value=Integer(index of first expression parsed with success, starting from 0).
abstract  boolean AbstractRegularExpression.interpret(Context c)
          Parses this expression, possibly using the given Context to fetch the String to interpret if this Expression is a leaf expression.

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