Uses of Class

Packages that use Pool.Key
jpicedt.format.input.latex Parser grammar for the LaTeX picture environment format. 
jpicedt.format.input.pstricks Pstricks grammar tree. 
jpicedt.format.input.util This package contains helper classes for building a parser based on the well-known RegExp scheme, yet with a strong object-oriented approach in mind. 

Uses of Pool.Key in jpicedt.format.input.latex

Fields in jpicedt.format.input.latex declared as Pool.Key
static Pool.Key<PicAttributeSet> LaTeXParser.KEY_ATTRIBUTES
          key associated with the shared attribute set (PicAttributeSet)
static Pool.Key<PicPoint> LaTeXPutExpression.KEY_PUT_POINT
          key entry in Pool containing the (x,y) parameter
static Pool.Key<Double> LaTeXParser.KEY_UNIT_LENGTH
          key associated with unit-length parameter (double)

Uses of Pool.Key in jpicedt.format.input.pstricks

Fields in jpicedt.format.input.pstricks declared as Pool.Key
static Pool.Key<PicAttributeSet> PstricksParser.KEY_ATTRIBUTES
          key associated with the attribute set which stores PsTricks default graphical parameters (PicAttributeSet)
static Pool.Key<HashMap<String,String>> PstricksParser.KEY_NEWPSOBJECTS
          \\newpsobject : key associated with the HashMap that associates pairs "macroName -> param_string", e.g.
static Pool.Key<Double> PstricksParser.KEY_R_UNIT
          key associated with \\psrunit register (double)
static Pool.Key<PicText.HorAlign> PsRPutExpression.KEY_RPUT_HALIGN
          key entry in Pool containing the horizontal alignment parameter
static Pool.Key<PicPoint> PsRPutExpression.KEY_RPUT_POINT
          key entry in Pool containing the (x,y) parameter
static Pool.Key<Double> PsRPutExpression.KEY_RPUT_ROTATION
          key entry in Pool containing the (x,y) parameter
static Pool.Key<PicText.VertAlign> PsRPutExpression.KEY_RPUT_VALIGN
          key entry in Pool containing the (x,y) parameter
static Pool.Key<HashMap<String,Color>> PstricksParser.KEY_USER_COLOURS
          user-defined colours (a HashMap which gets filled by UserDefinedColorsExpression, see \\newgray, \\newrgbcolor,... in PsTricks documentation p.5)
static Pool.Key<Double> PstricksParser.KEY_X_UNIT
          key associated with \\psxunit register (double)
static Pool.Key<Double> PstricksParser.KEY_Y_UNIT
          key associated with \\psyunit register (double)

Constructors in jpicedt.format.input.pstricks with parameters of type Pool.Key
PSTAngleParameter(Pool pl, String tag, PicAttributeName<Double> attributeName, Pool.Key<PicAttributeSet> attributeSetKey)
PSTBooleanExpression(Pool pl, String tag, PicAttributeName<Boolean> attributeName, Pool.Key<PicAttributeSet> attributeSetKey)
PSTColorExpression(Pool pl, String tag, PicAttributeName<Color> attributeName, Pool.Key<PicAttributeSet> attributeSetKey)
PSTDashExpression(Pool pl, Pool.Key<PicAttributeSet> attributeSetKey)
PSTDotStyleExpression(Pool pl, Pool.Key<PicAttributeSet> attributeSetKey)
PSTFillStyleExpression(Pool pl, Pool.Key<PicAttributeSet> attributeSetKey)
PSTLengthParameter(Pool pl, String tag, PicAttributeName<Double> attributeName, Pool.Key<PicAttributeSet> attributeSetKey)
PSTLineStyleExpression(Pool pl, Pool.Key<PicAttributeSet> attributeSetKey)
PSTParametersExpression(Pool pool, Pool.Key<PicAttributeSet> attributeSetKey)

Uses of Pool.Key in jpicedt.format.input.util

Fields in jpicedt.format.input.util declared as Pool.Key
static Pool.Key<PicAttributeSet> Pool.CURRENT_OBJ_ATTRIBUTES
          Key used to fetch the attribute set attached to the current element "currentObj"

Methods in jpicedt.format.input.util with parameters of type Pool.Key
<T> T
Pool.get(Pool.Key<T> key)
          Return the value associated with the given key
 PicAttributeSet Pool.getAttributeSet(Pool.Key<? extends PicAttributeSet> key)
          Convenience for retrieving a "PicAttributeSet" value ; can be used in conjunction with static methods defined in jpicedt.graphic.model.StyleConstants to retrieve attributes values with less burden.
<T> T
Pool.put(Pool.Key<T> key, T value)
          Associates the specified value with the given key in the pool's hashmap
<T> void
Pool.setAttribute(Pool.Key<? extends PicAttributeSet> key, PicAttributeName<T> name, T value)
          Add a name/value attribute pair to the attribute set with the given key, i.e.

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