Uses of Interface

Packages that use MDIComponent
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)
jpicedt.ui Some classes and interfaces that help building concrete implementation of MDIManager's. 
jpicedt.ui.internal Implementation of MDIManager and related using JInternalFrame's. 
jpicedt.widgets Some Swing components used across JPicEdt's classes. 

Uses of MDIComponent in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return MDIComponent
 MDIComponent DialogFactory.createDialog(String title, boolean modal, JComponent innerPane)
          Wraps the given component in a dialog box appropriate for the current GUI.
 MDIComponent DefaultDialogFactory.createDialog(String title, boolean modal, JComponent p)
          Wraps the given component in a dialog box appropriate for the current GUI.

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type MDIComponent
CustomizerDialog(MDIComponent host, AbstractCustomizer customizer, EnumSet<CustomizerDialog.ButtonMask> buttonsMask)
          Builds a new dialog box from a single customizer.
CustomizerDialog(MDIComponent host, ArrayList<AbstractCustomizer> customizers, int selected, String title, EnumSet<CustomizerDialog.ButtonMask> buttonsMask)
          Creates a new dialog box from the given array of AbstractCustomizer's, laying them out in a JTabbedPane.

Uses of MDIComponent in jpicedt.ui

Fields in jpicedt.ui with type parameters of type MDIComponent
protected  HashMap<PEDrawingBoard,MDIComponent> MDIManager.boardMap
          A hash table used to bind a PEDrawingBoard (the key) and its MDIComponent container (the value) This map plays pretty much the same role as JDesktopPane, but it's able to manage any desktop component implementing the MDIComponent interface, e.g.

Methods in jpicedt.ui that return MDIComponent
abstract  MDIComponent MDIManager.createMDIComponent(JComponent pane)
          Factory method that creates a MDIComponent that acts as a wrapper for the given pane.
 MDIComponent MDIManager.getHostingContainer(PEDrawingBoard board)
          Returns the MDIComponent that contains the given board
 MDIComponent MDIManager.DockablePanel.getMDIDelegate()
          returns the MDIComponent that renders the UI of this DockablePanel.

Methods in jpicedt.ui with parameters of type MDIComponent
abstract  void MDIManager.addMDIComponent(MDIComponent c)
          Adds the given component to the desktop of this MDIManager.

Uses of MDIComponent in jpicedt.ui.internal

Methods in jpicedt.ui.internal that return MDIComponent
 MDIComponent JFrameMDIManager.createDialog(String title, boolean modal, JComponent p)
          Wraps the given component in a JDialog, and makes it visible.
 MDIComponent InternalFrameMDIManager.createDialog(String title, boolean modal, JComponent p)
          Wraps the given component in a PEInternalDialog, and makes it visible.
 MDIComponent JFrameMDIManager.createMDIComponent(JComponent pane)
          Factory method that creates an MDIComponent which acts as a UI delegate to the given pane.
 MDIComponent InternalFrameMDIManager.createMDIComponent(JComponent pane)
          Factory method that creates an MDIComponent which acts as a UI delegate to the given pane.

Methods in jpicedt.ui.internal with parameters of type MDIComponent
 void JFrameMDIManager.addMDIComponent(MDIComponent c)
          Add the given component to the desktop
 void InternalFrameMDIManager.addMDIComponent(MDIComponent c)
          Depending on the inner pane of the given container, adds it to the DEFAULT_LAYER or to the PALETTE_LAYER.

Uses of MDIComponent in jpicedt.widgets

Classes in jpicedt.widgets that implement MDIComponent
 class PEDialog
          A non-modal JDialog that implements MDIComponent.
 class PEFrame
          A JFrame that implement the MDIComponent interface
 class PEInternalDialog
          Re-implementation of non-modal JDialog using JInternalFrame's.
 class PEInternalFrame
          A JInternalFrame that implement the MDIComponent interface

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