Uses of Class

Packages that use Complex
jpicedt.graphic jPicEdt library core classes and packages. 
jpicedt.util.math Bibliothèque de classes pour effectuer des calculs notamment avec: des nombres complexes des polynômes des matrices  

Uses of Complex in jpicedt.graphic

Methods in jpicedt.graphic that return Complex
 Complex PicPoint.toComplex()
          Return the equivalent complex number of this, that is to say complex number with real part equal to this.getX(), and imaginary part equal to this.getY();

Constructors in jpicedt.graphic with parameters of type Complex
PicVector(Complex z)
          Construct a vector with same coordinate as real part and imaginary part as a complex number.

Uses of Complex in jpicedt.util.math

Fields in jpicedt.util.math declared as Complex
static Complex Complex.I
          A constant representing i, the famous square root of -1.
static Complex Complex.ONE
static Complex Complex.ZERO

Methods in jpicedt.util.math that return Complex
 Complex Complex.acos()
          Returns the principal arc cosine of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.acosh()
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic cosine of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.add(Complex z)
 Complex Complex.asin()
          Returns the principal arc sine of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.asinh()
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic sine of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.atan()
          Returns the principal arc tangent of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.atanh()
          Returns the principal inverse hyperbolic tangent of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.cAdd(Complex z)
          To perform z1 + z2, you write z1.cAdd(z2).
 Complex Complex.cAdd(double z)
          CAdd z to this without modifying this, and returns the result.
static Complex Complex.cart(double re, double im)
          Returns a Complex from real and imaginary parts.
 Complex Complex.cConj()
          Returns the Complex "conjugate" of this.
 Complex Complex.cCos()
          Returns the cosine of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.cCot()
          Returns the cotangent of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.cDiv(Complex z)
          To perform z1 / z2, you write z1.cDiv(z2) .
 Complex Complex.cIMul()
          multiply this by i, without modifying this.
 Complex Complex.cLog()
          Returns the principal natural logarithm of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.cMIMul()
          multiply this by -i, without modifying this.
 Complex Complex.cMul(Complex z)
          To perform z1 * z2, you write z1.cMul(z2) .
 Complex Complex.cMul(double z)
 Complex Complex.cNeg()
          Returns the "negative" of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.conj()
          conjugate this, and return it for convenience
 Complex Complex.cosec()
          Returns the cosecant of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.cosh()
          Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.cPow(Complex exponent)
          Renvoie la valeur Complex du this élevée raised to the power of a à la puissance d'un exposant Complex sans que this ne soit modifié
 Complex Complex.cScale(double scalar)
          Returns the Complex scaled by a real number.
 Complex Complex.cSin()
          Returns the sine of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.cSqrt()
          Returns a Complex representing one of the two square roots.
 Complex Complex.cSub(Complex z)
 Complex Complex.cSub(double z)
          Subtracts z from this without modifying this, and returns the result.
 Complex Complex.cTan()
          Returns the tangent of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.div(Complex z)
 Complex Polynomial.eval(Complex x)
          évalue le polynôme this en x
 Complex Complex.exp()
          Returns the number e "raised to" a Complex power.
 Complex Complex.iMul()
          multiply this by i, which modifies this.
 Complex Complex.miMul()
          multiply this by -i, which modifies this.
 Complex Complex.mul(Complex z)
 Complex Complex.mul(double z)
 Complex Complex.neg()
          negate this, which modifies this.
static Complex Complex.polar(double r, double theta)
          Returns a Complex from a size and direction.
static Complex Complex.pow(Complex base, Complex exponent)
          Returns the Complex base raised to the power of the Complex exponent.
static Complex Complex.pow(Complex base, double exponent)
          Returns the Complex base raised to the power of the exponent.
static Complex Complex.pow(double base, Complex exponent)
          Returns the base raised to the power of the Complex exponent.
 Complex Complex.sec()
          Returns the secant of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.sinh()
          Returns the hyperbolic sine of a Complex number.
 Complex Complex.sub(Complex z)
 Complex Complex.sub(double z)
 Complex Complex.tanh()
          Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a Complex number.

Methods in jpicedt.util.math with parameters of type Complex
 boolean Complex.absoluteIsCloseTo(Complex z, double tolerance)
          Renvoie cSub(z).normInf() <= tolerance.
 Complex Complex.add(Complex z)
 Complex Complex.cAdd(Complex z)
          To perform z1 + z2, you write z1.cAdd(z2).
 Complex Complex.cDiv(Complex z)
          To perform z1 / z2, you write z1.cDiv(z2) .
 Complex Complex.cMul(Complex z)
          To perform z1 * z2, you write z1.cMul(z2) .
 Complex Complex.cPow(Complex exponent)
          Renvoie la valeur Complex du this élevée raised to the power of a à la puissance d'un exposant Complex sans que this ne soit modifié
 Complex Complex.cSub(Complex z)
 Complex Complex.div(Complex z)
 boolean Complex.equals(Complex z, double tolerance)
          Renvoie absoluteIsCloseTo(z,Math.abs(tolerance)).
 Complex Polynomial.eval(Complex x)
          évalue le polynôme this en x
 Complex Complex.mul(Complex z)
static Complex Complex.pow(Complex base, Complex exponent)
          Returns the Complex base raised to the power of the Complex exponent.
static Complex Complex.pow(Complex base, double exponent)
          Returns the Complex base raised to the power of the exponent.
static Complex Complex.pow(double base, Complex exponent)
          Returns the base raised to the power of the Complex exponent.
 boolean Complex.relativeIsCloseTo(Complex z, double tolerance)
          Renvoie cSub(z).normInf() <= tolerance * Math.max(normInf(), z.normInf()).
 Complex Complex.sub(Complex z)

Constructors in jpicedt.util.math with parameters of type Complex
Complex(Complex z)
          Constructs a separate new Complex from an existing Complex.

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