Uses of Class

Packages that use PEDrawingBoard
jpicedt Contains the main JPicEdt class, as well as some utilities. 
jpicedt.ui Some classes and interfaces that help building concrete implementation of MDIManager's. 
jpicedt.ui.internal Implementation of MDIManager and related using JInternalFrame's. 

Uses of PEDrawingBoard in jpicedt

Methods in jpicedt that return PEDrawingBoard
static PEDrawingBoard JPicEdt.getActiveDrawingBoard()
          Return the currently active PEDrawingBoard, or null if none is active.

Methods in jpicedt with parameters of type PEDrawingBoard
static boolean JPicEdt.closeBoard(PEDrawingBoard board)
          Close the given board, or the currently active board if "board" is null.

Constructors in jpicedt with parameters of type PEDrawingBoard
JPicEdt.FileSaveAction(PEDrawingBoard board)
          save the content of the given board This is useful when closing a frame, where we know the name of the frame to be saved.

Uses of PEDrawingBoard in jpicedt.ui

Fields in jpicedt.ui declared as PEDrawingBoard
protected  PEDrawingBoard MDIManager.activeBoard
          Reference on the currently active board, or null if no board is currently open.

Fields in jpicedt.ui with type parameters of type PEDrawingBoard
protected  HashMap<PEDrawingBoard,MDIComponent> MDIManager.boardMap
          A hash table used to bind a PEDrawingBoard (the key) and its MDIComponent container (the value) This map plays pretty much the same role as JDesktopPane, but it's able to manage any desktop component implementing the MDIComponent interface, e.g.

Methods in jpicedt.ui that return PEDrawingBoard
abstract  PEDrawingBoard MDIManager.getActiveDrawingBoard()
          Returns the currently active drawing board

Methods in jpicedt.ui that return types with arguments of type PEDrawingBoard
 Set<PEDrawingBoard> MDIManager.getAllDrawingBoards()
          Returns all opened drawing boards

Methods in jpicedt.ui with parameters of type PEDrawingBoard
 void MDIManager.addDrawingBoard(PEDrawingBoard board)
          Adds a new DrawingBoard component to the list of drawing boards.
abstract  void MDIManager.closeBoard(PEDrawingBoard board)
          Ask the given board to close itself
 MDIComponent MDIManager.getHostingContainer(PEDrawingBoard board)
          Returns the MDIComponent that contains the given board
protected  boolean MDIManager.removeDrawingBoard(PEDrawingBoard board)
          Remove the given drawing board from the list of open drawing boards, possibly attempting to save its content if necessary, then unregisters any previously registered listener.
abstract  void MDIManager.selectDrawingBoard(PEDrawingBoard board)
          Selects the given drawing board ; concrete implementation should call show() or any similar method on the MDIComponent (aka container) hosting the given board.
 void MDIManager.setHostingContainerTitle(String title, PEDrawingBoard board)
          Sets the title of the frame/internal frame hosting the given board to the given string.

Uses of PEDrawingBoard in jpicedt.ui.internal

Methods in jpicedt.ui.internal that return PEDrawingBoard
 PEDrawingBoard JFrameMDIManager.getActiveDrawingBoard()
          Returns the currently active drawing board ; null if there's no frame hosting a PEDrawingBoard in the desktop.
 PEDrawingBoard InternalFrameMDIManager.getActiveDrawingBoard()
          Returns the currently active drawing board ; null if there's no internal frame in the desktopPane.

Methods in jpicedt.ui.internal with parameters of type PEDrawingBoard
 void JFrameMDIManager.closeBoard(PEDrawingBoard board)
 void InternalFrameMDIManager.closeBoard(PEDrawingBoard board)
 void JFrameMDIManager.selectDrawingBoard(PEDrawingBoard board)
          selects the given drawing board by bringing it to front.
 void InternalFrameMDIManager.selectDrawingBoard(PEDrawingBoard board)
          selects the given drawing board by bringing it to front.

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