Uses of Interface

Packages that use MouseTransform
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)

Uses of MouseTransform in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Classes in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that implement MouseTransform
 class AbstractMouseTransform
          This implementation allows subclassers to modify a clone of the target Element, then to update the original Element when the operation is completed.
protected  class AbstractMouseTransformFactory.HelpMessageMouseTransform
          This mouse transform does nothing, it is just a convenience to post a HelpMessage (regarding what the user COULD do) when no other mouse-transform makes sense with the current mouse-event.
protected  class AbstractMouseTransformFactory.InvalidMouseTransform
          This mouse transform does nothing, it simply returns an invalid cursor, and can be used by MouseTransform factories to notify the user of an invalid UI action.
protected  class AbstractMouseTransformFactory.SelectAreaTransform
          A mouse-transform dedicated to select objects (Element's, control-point's,…) inside a rectangle dragged by the user.
protected  class EditConvexZoneMouseTransformFactory.MoveConvexZoneTransform
          Une transformation de souris qui peut translater un ensemble de zone convexe.
protected  class EditConvexZoneMouseTransformFactory.SelectConvexZonesInAreaTransform
          a mouse-transform that selects all elements inside a rectangle dragged by the user
protected  class EditConvexZoneMouseTransformFactory.UnselectTransform
protected  class EditElementMouseTransformFactory._MoveControlPointTransform
          a mouse-transform that moves element's end-points, ie aka scales elements
protected  class EditElementMouseTransformFactory._MoveElementTransform
          A mouse-transform that can translate an element, or a group of element.
protected  class EditElementMouseTransformFactory.MoveControlPointTransform
          a mouse-transform that moves element's end-points, ie aka scales elements.
protected  class EditElementMouseTransformFactory.MoveElementTransform
          A mouse-transform that can translate an element, or a group of element.
protected  class EditElementMouseTransformFactory.SelectElementsDialogTransform
          a mouse-transform that opens up a Dialog to allow the user to selects elements by hand
protected  class EditElementMouseTransformFactory.SelectElementsInAreaTransform
          a mouse-transform that selects all elements inside a rectangle dragged by the user
protected  class EditElementMouseTransformFactory.UnselectTransform
protected  class EditPointMouseTransformFactory.EditSmoothCoeffTransform
          a mouse-transform that edit smooth-coefficients for a PicSmoothPolygon (edit ALL selected points at once)
protected  class EditPointMouseTransformFactory.RemovePointTransform
          a mouse-transform that removes selected points to/from extensible curves or parallelogram/ellipses after conversion to a multicurve.
protected  class EditPointMouseTransformFactory.SelectElementTransform
protected  class EditPointMouseTransformFactory.SelectPointsInAreaTransform
          a mouse-transform that selects all elements inside a rectangle dragged by the user
protected  class EditPointMouseTransformFactory.SplitSegmentTransform
          a mouse-transform that add points to extensible curves
protected  class EditPointMouseTransformFactory.UnSelectPointTransform
          a mouse-transform that unselects points

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return MouseTransform
 MouseTransform MouseTransformFactory.createMouseTransform(PEMouseEvent e)
          Return a MouseTransform whose type is adequate with the given mouse-event.
 MouseTransform EditPointMouseTransformFactory.createMouseTransform(PEMouseEvent e)
          Return a MouseTransform whose type is adequate with the given mouse-event.
 MouseTransform EditElementMouseTransformFactory.createMouseTransform(PEMouseEvent e)
          Return a MouseTransform whose type is adequate with the given mouse-event.
 MouseTransform EditConvexZoneMouseTransformFactory.createMouseTransform(PEMouseEvent e)
          Return a MouseTransform whose type is adequate with the given mouse-event.

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