Uses of Interface

Packages that use DialogFactory
jpicedt.graphic.toolkit Controller (document editing through UI actions)
jpicedt.ui Some classes and interfaces that help building concrete implementation of MDIManager's. 
jpicedt.ui.internal Implementation of MDIManager and related using JInternalFrame's. 

Uses of DialogFactory in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit

Classes in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that implement DialogFactory
 class DefaultDialogFactory
          Provides functionalities to show a dialog box in a GUI.

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit that return DialogFactory
 DialogFactory EditorKit.getDialogFactory()
          Returns the factory that produces GUI dialogs

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.toolkit with parameters of type DialogFactory
 void EditorKit.setDialogFactory(DialogFactory dm)
          Sets the factory that produces GUI dialogs

Uses of DialogFactory in jpicedt.ui

Classes in jpicedt.ui that implement DialogFactory
 class MDIManager
          An abstract class that serves as the superclass for jPicEdt's Multiple Document Interface desktop managers.

Uses of DialogFactory in jpicedt.ui.internal

Classes in jpicedt.ui.internal that implement DialogFactory
 class InternalFrameMDIManager
          An MDI Manager implementation for "childframe" mode (ie using JInternalFrame's).
 class JFrameMDIManager
          An MDI Manager implementation for JFrame's

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