Uses of Class

Packages that use ParserException
jpicedt.format.input.util This package contains helper classes for building a parser based on the well-known RegExp scheme, yet with a strong object-oriented approach in mind. 
jpicedt.graphic jPicEdt library core classes and packages. Contains classes for the JPIC-XML parser. 

Uses of ParserException in jpicedt.format.input

Methods in jpicedt.format.input that throw ParserException
 ParsedDrawing DefaultParser.extractAndParse(Reader reader)
          Extraction d'un dessin codé à partir d'un fichier, et analyse syntaxique de ce dessin codé.

Uses of ParserException in jpicedt.format.input.dxf

Methods in jpicedt.format.input.dxf that throw ParserException
 ParsedDrawing DXFParser.extractAndParse(Reader reader)
          C'est juste fourni au cas où on voudrait brider JPicEdt pour qu'il ne soit capable de ne lire que du DXF (il suffirait d'utiliser DXFParser au lieu de JPICParser dans MiscUtilities.createParser().
 Drawing DXFParser.parse(Reader reader)
          signature pour compatibilité ascendante.
 void DXFParser.parse(Reader reader, ParsedDrawing dr)
          Point d'entrée pour l'analyse syntaxique d'un dessin codé en DXF.

Uses of ParserException in jpicedt.format.input.util

Subclasses of ParserException in jpicedt.format.input.util
 class REParserException
          An Exception manager to be used by RE-parsers (i.e. those built on top of AbstractRegularExpression's).
static class REParserException.BeginGroupMismatch
          a "begin group" has no matching "end group"
static class REParserException.BlockMismatch
          a closing delimiter has no matching opening delimiter (see EnclosingExpression)
static class REParserException.EndGroupMismatch
          a "end group" has no matching "begin group"
static class REParserException.EndOfPicture
          the end of the picture environment was encoutered.
static class REParserException.EndOfPictureNotFound
          the end of the picture environment wasn't found in the current Reader.
static class REParserException.EOF
          the end of the file (or the underlying Reader) was reached abnormally, e.g. in the course of a AbstractRegularExpression.interpret() operation.
static class REParserException.IncompleteSequence
          signals an incomplete SequenceExpression
static class REParserException.NotFoundInFile
          a mandatory expression wasn't found
static class REParserException.NumberFormat
          aka NumberFormatException
static class REParserException.NumberSign
          signals an error concerning the sign of a number (see NumericalExpression)
static class REParserException.SyntaxError
          a syntax error has occured ; should be used as a last resort, when no specific exception message applies.

Uses of ParserException in jpicedt.graphic

Methods in jpicedt.graphic that throw ParserException
 void PECanvas.insert(Reader reader, ExtractionParsing parser, PicPoint insertionPoint)
          Insère du contenu depuis un reader dans le dessin courant.
 void PECanvas.paste(boolean translate)
          Add the content of the System's ClipBoard to the current drawing, then select it.
 void PECanvas.paste(Clipboard clipbrd, PicPoint translate)
          Ajout le contenu du presse-papier (ClipBoard) passé en argument au dessin courant, et le sélectionner ensuite.
 ParsedDrawing reader, ExtractionParsing parser)
          Read drawing content from a reader and erase old one.

Uses of ParserException in

Subclasses of ParserException in
static class ParserException.UnrecognizedFileFormat
          May signal that the content being currently parsed does not correspond to any recognized/supported format

Methods in that throw ParserException
static ParsedDrawing JPICParser.extractAndParse(CodedContentExtraction extractor, Parser parser, Reader reader)
 ParsedDrawing JPICXmlParser.extractAndParse(Reader reader)
          C'est fourni au cas où on voudrait brider JPicEdt à un format de fichier donné.
 ParsedDrawing JPICParser.extractAndParse(Reader reader)
          kicks off the parsing process
 ParsedDrawing ExtractionParsing.extractAndParse(Reader reader)
 Drawing Parser.parse(Reader reader)
          Démarre l'analyse du fichier.
 Drawing JPICXmlParser.parse(Reader reader)
 Drawing JPICParser.parse(Reader reader)
          Fourni pour compatibilité ascendante.
 void Parser.parse(Reader reader, ParsedDrawing parsedDrawing)
          Analyse syntaxique d'un dessin codé qui a été précédemment extrait d'un fichier.
 void JPICXmlParser.parse(Reader reader, ParsedDrawing dr)
          Initie l'analyse du code JPIC-XML.
 void JPICParser.parse(Reader reader, ParsedDrawing parsedDrawing)
          Analyse du dessin codé seulement, l'extraction a déjà été faite par l'appelant.

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