Uses of Class

Packages that use HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo
jpicedt.graphic.view Document appearance. 

Uses of HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo in jpicedt.graphic.view

Subclasses of HitInfo.AbstractHitInfo in jpicedt.graphic.view
static class HitInfo.Composite
          Represent a particular type of Hit that occured on a child of a branch-element, when one whants to specify both the element and its child.
static class HitInfo.EnvelopeStroke
          Deprecated. use HighlighterStroke instead
static class HitInfo.HighlighterStroke
          Represent a hit that occured on the stroke of a highlighter (eg tangents of a PicSmoothPolygon).
static class HitInfo.Interior
          Represent a hit that occured on the interior of a Element
static class HitInfo.Point
          Represent a hit that occured on one or several Element's control-points, the latter case occuring necessarily iff some control-points are identical.
static class HitInfo.Stroke
          Represent a Hit that occured on an Element.
static class HitInfo.Text
          Represent a Hit that occured on some interior area of a TextEditable.

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