Uses of Class

Packages that use SelectionEvent
jpicedt.graphic.event Various events used for the communication between model, view and controler, as well as to notify external receivers of changes in the document structure, appearance,…
jpicedt.ui Some classes and interfaces that help building concrete implementation of MDIManager's. 
jpicedt.ui.dialog Contains utilities classes for building various dialog boxes (preferences editing, graphic elements properties,...) 

Uses of SelectionEvent in jpicedt.graphic.event

Methods in jpicedt.graphic.event with parameters of type SelectionEvent
 void SelectionListener.selectionUpdate(SelectionEvent e)
          called when the content of the selection changed

Uses of SelectionEvent in jpicedt.ui

Methods in jpicedt.ui with parameters of type SelectionEvent
 void MDIManager.BoardEventHandler.selectionUpdate(SelectionEvent e)
          Handler for "Selection" events triggered e.g. by a click on a graphical object (from a given PEDrawingBoard) This takes the following actions: marks the active drawing board as dirty and possibly adds a trailing "*" to the frame's title, updates widgets states (ie menu items + toolbar buttons), eventually notifies interested dockable panels (through the "dockablePanelsMap" hash table) that the state of the Drawing has changed (for instance, say there's a graphical object filled in red and we just selected it → changes the current active fill colour to red in the attributes editor palette).

Uses of SelectionEvent in jpicedt.ui.dialog

Methods in jpicedt.ui.dialog with parameters of type SelectionEvent
 void DockableAttributesCustomizer.selectionUpdate(SelectionEvent e)
          Implementation of the SelectionListener interface ; called when a change occurs in the selection from the target PECanvas

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