Uses of Class

Packages that use REParserException.EOF
jpicedt.format.input.util This package contains helper classes for building a parser based on the well-known RegExp scheme, yet with a strong object-oriented approach in mind. 

Uses of REParserException.EOF in jpicedt.format.input.util

Methods in jpicedt.format.input.util that throw REParserException.EOF
 boolean Context.lineFeed()
          Move cursor to the beginning of the next line, EVEN if we aren't at an EOL
 boolean Context.matchAndMove(String s)
          Test if the string at the caret position starts with the given string, and in case of success moves the caret past this string ; return false otherwise.
 boolean Context.moveCaretBy(int increment)
          Move cursor position forward by the given increment, possibly proceeding to linefeeds.
 boolean Context.moveCaretTo(int newPos)
          Move cursor position forward to the given position, possibly proceeding to linefeeds.
 boolean Context.pushBack()
          After a read(), pushes back the char that has been read
          read a character, and increment the caret position by one, if this is possible.
 String n)
          read the given number of character, wrapped in a String, and move the caret past the String being returned.
 String Context.readTo(int pos)
          Return the remaining substring up to the given position if (pos < caret) return "".
 String Context.readToEOL()
          Returns the remaining substring up to the end of the current line, EOL NOT INCLUDED !

Constructors in jpicedt.format.input.util that throw REParserException.EOF
Context(Reader reader)
          Build a new Context fed by the given reader.

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