First or all, you've to install the
Swing/JFC library (>= 1.1.1) if necessary.
Run the following shell (might need some tiny changes depending on your JVM install location)
Double-click jpicedt.bat
(here again, this might need some changes depending on your JVM install location)
You'll need JBindery, a small utility that allows to generate a click-able application
from a JAR executable (it stems from the fact that MacOS has no command-line console.
Command line syntax (JDK1.1) :
The syntax of the command line is rather tricky ! It must (at least) contain a -classpath
somewhere, followed
by space(Unix)/comma(Window) separated references to:
- the
- the Swing library (usually swingall.jar);
- the standard JDK classes (
Under Linux this might look like:
java -classpath .:jpicedt_N_M.jar:/usr/lib/java/lib/ picedt.Main
Win9x and some Unix JVM's allow you to run a javaw interpreter
instead of the usual java interpreter, the only difference being
that no console (i.e. unix-shell or DOS-box) gets displayed.
Finally, if you're a MacOS user, please note that Swing library is usually
included in the System folder (but MacOS X users don't need it anymore)