
Supported packages
jPicEdt can generate LaTeX, eepic and PsTricks code from a user-friendly graphical interface! This may include:
  • Every graphical element allowed by the picture environment commands: lines, arrows, circles, boxes.
  • Emulated elements, for example lines of any slope (which LaTeX doesn't support natively), circles of any size, ellipses, arcs and polygons. This makes a strong use of the \multiput command.
  • Nearly every object allowed by the epic/eepic packages (excluding grids and textured filling): dashed lines, filled (whitened, blackened or shaded) ellipses or polygons, arcs,… Using this package is optional.
  • Starting from version 1.3.2, nearly every object in the pstricks.sty package (this include : filling with colors, hatches, textures, setting various stroke parameters, rotating texts,…). Support for pst-node.sty and other related packages is either experimental (meaning that you must recompile with a boolean flag turned on) or simply underway.

jPicEdt can also parse LaTeX files that include a \begin{picture}…\end{picture} (or \begin{pspicture}…\end{pspicture}) environment from which it can read commands, which allows you to edit the corresponding picture. The interpreter is fairly robust as far as syntax errors are concerned, and as such can take a great deal of commands, either LaTeX-, PsTricks- or eepic-compliant (this allows in particular to load files generated by GnuPlot with a gset term pstricks command). Of course, prior PicEdt 1.x formats are still supported.

Supported OSe's

jPicEdt is written in JAVA. As a result, it can run on any platform where a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is installed (nearly every Unix flavors, plus Window 9x/2000/XP and MacOS, at least…)

If a Java Runtime (JRE or JDK) isn't installed on your system, or if your version isn't the latest release, you can download it from www.javasoft.com. If you don't know what version of the JVM is installed on your system, just open a shell (Unix/MacOS X) or a DOS-console (Win 9x) and type:

jre -version or java -version

MRJ's (MacOS 9 Runtime for Java) have a numbering policy that differs slightly from SUN's standards, but as a rule of thumb, you might take for granted that a MRJ≥2.1 (with Swing library coming along) allows jPicEdt to run flawlessly… Besides, a Java 2 implementation now exists for Mac OS X.


jPicEdt is a free software, under GPL license until version 1.5.x, and under CeCILL v2 license starting from version 1.6. You're widely encouraged to redistribute it and/or modify it according to the terms of the applicable license: